Imagine that you are an architect and asked to design a "green" or sustainable home for a client?

#2-What important factors have to be considered?
#3-List at least 3 key components to "sustainability" in your architectural design.
In Europe and some US cities, entire buildings are being constructed to operate more efficiently and effectively, lessening the impact on the environment and our natural resources

4 thoughts on “Imagine that you are an architect and asked to design a "green" or sustainable home for a client?”

  1. The best methods are tried and true, not new. Frame with 2×6 for additional insulation. Use a steep pitch roof to deflect the energy of the sun in hot climates. Orient the house on the site East and West, minimizing the amount of glass. Build right the first time. A house that lasts 100 yrs or more ends up using fewer resources.

  2. 1: be careful with excess heat – use it for the building rather than pollution
    2: basically re-use as much as possible so that there is minimal damage to the environment
    3: use solar energy to heat water and run the building
    4: use materials that don’t give off fumes
    I just read that some place uses the waste water from the bathroom sink to fill up the toilet tank for flushing.
    Have a garden on the roof – it absorbs rain water and makes the building cooler in summer

  3. Important factors:

    Location: Facing south, for passive solar gain in cold climates.
    Build in areas which are close to workplaces and services, so that it’s not necessary to own cars: people could walk or bicycle.

    Simplicity of design: Modeled after traditional ancient building styles where natural methods of heating/cooling were used (planting shade trees, having very thick walls, opening the windows, taking siestas, etc.)


    Key components of Sustainability:

    Use of local building material (for ex., if stone is plentiful, use that) and building techniques which suit the local climate. Easy to heat in a cold climate, or to cool in a hot climate. Insulate well to save energy. In mild climates, cob (a material made by mixing wet earth and straw) is a sustainable and inexpensive way to build walls. Very interesting and unusual floor plans (curved walls and built-in benches) can be designed using cob.

    Size of the Home: A sustainable size means no excess space to heat and cool. Not a ‘McMansion’.

    Plan a minimum amount of energy-consuming appliances. More of the tasks could be done by human power, such as hanging clothes to dry instead of having a dryer.

    Incorporate recycled building materials into the design (wooden beams, flooring, stone, brick, etc.). Limit the use of fossil-fuel based building materials, such as plastics, vinyl, etc.

    Landscape the lot using native species of plants. No lawn. Grow a food garden if there is enough space.

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