The starting temperature was 80f (27 C) and a full boil was obtained in 90 seconds (+-10 seconds). The dish is a 10 feet (3 Meters) diameter with a large acrylic mirror for the center. Focal length is 5 feet (1.5 Meters) from the base. The mesh panels are covered with Part A and B material from our website and also regular .118 acrylic mirror sheets. The focal point is 1″ diameter from the acrylic mirror and 4″-8″ diameter from the satellite dish. The vacuum tube holds 20 ounces and it was full.
Nice when clear skies. How much heat is captured when overcast?
Must keep tracking the sun. Awkward and cumbersome.
No need to produce such high, dangerous temperatures.
Those vacuum tubes are incredible bare footing you add any collector and they are so powerful they beat most electrical appliances.
heh when I first saw you in the hooded sweatshirt I thought maybe it dropped all the way down to 65 in florida or something 😛
“And in a related story, flight number 171 fell out of the sky today after being hit with what some called ‘an evil laser beam’. Film at eleven.”
thumbs up……thank you
I wish I lived right next door to ya’ll. I love all of your experiments! Why doesn’t everybody love FREE energy? I think it’s fascinating (in a low budget, endless possibilities kind of way). I can’t wait to see the video from the film crew. At least somebody is interested in home brew renewable energy.
Next time let Denise wear the jacket 😉
muy bueno !!!
Awesome as ALWAYS.
Keep up good work! I like all of your video.
I thought microwaves were bad for food?
what is the coating on the inner tube ?
@westkan “grow up”? ಠ_ಠ… I made a tongue in cheek comment. People who don’t know me misunderstood it. I took the comment down, yet people keep commenting to me about it, and you’re telling ME to grow up? Goodbye.
@DontFriendInviteMe My recollection is that you didn’t indicate sarcastic intent, as you removed the comment there’s no way to be sure. There should be an addition to Poe’s Law stating you can’t parody ignorance without appearing ignorant yourself. Save every one a few seconds next time, and indicate humor or sarcasm if that’s your intent. No one is required to read every other comment before replying to another comment in the order they read it, grow up.
@callmeshane303 whatever
I am going to make a rectangular solar concentrator out of 20cm square mirrors – 2 meters wide, 1 meter high.
I have figured out how to machine up all the angles in the timber…
50:1 concentration ratio – NOT super super intense, but more “very fucking hot” and more practical for cooking and heating a LOT of stuff.
Flying your plane into that beam has probably cooked your brain when it went into it via your eyes – it’s that intense.
It should be called “Mega Death Ray”.
What gay bars do you hang out at and are you a submissive bottom or a sissy boy cross dresser?
Big Dick.
@callmeshane303 Well, it would serve the pilot right for telling lies. On another note, Dan, have you looked into the “Thomas Edison Free Energy” posts? The links always pop up around your vids. Is it dinkum? Have you played around with it at all? Cheers.
@callmeshane303 Go to hell
Ohhh no it’s very dangerous – because IF the pilot lies into the focal point – then not only will you have a blinded pilot, but she will be on fire as well.
Too right good buddy. 10.4 Truckers dude.
No need to get upset and act all premensterelle, otherwise people will think your a wimmin.
OK dude?
lol turn heat into electricity 
What kind of temperatures do you reach there? 2500ºC will split water into H2 + O, meaning you can store energy to put in fuel cell for overhyped cars, or just for local heating away from the dish. Some good H gas lines with flashback arrestors exist now. As cool as your various applications are, it would be nice to get one step further. Using the green energy for basicc family needs such as transportation and electro. Love the piecce on forced air heating.
BTW insulation is under-covered in MSM