Is Dry Cleaning Bad for the Environment?

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5 thoughts on “Is Dry Cleaning Bad for the Environment?”

  1. most ill informed video!
    Perchlorethylene was classified as a carcinogenic when Exxon and Shell
    lobbied for the EPA to change its classification. They promoted Hydrocarbon
    which is a petroleum based solvent. Perc is a chlorinated solvent.
    All systems sold today use a closed loop system which never allows for
    chemicals to stay in the garment. If you use a discount dry leaner, you
    will get discount cleaning.
    You get exposed to 3000 times more harmful chemicals while pumping gas,
    then you do from your clothes at a dry cleaner. 

  2. Wow I had no idea that it was toxic for the human body I always thought the
    aerosol starch cans were bad on the ozone and that being horrible Eco wise.
    Good to know. Thank you very much.

  3. The law has changed. All dry cleaners are required to use greener
    solutions now. They no longer use PERC so it’s no longer should be a
    concern. Past concern over dry cleaning carcinogen is over rated. Walking
    around on the street and breathing in all of the toxins that put out by the
    car exhaust would be more dangerous but no tell you not to walk nor not to

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