Is there a national 'green,' sustainable living conference/expo for engineers or really anyone? who? where?

I am studying to be a civil/environmental engineer and am looking for organizations and conventions to get involved in that has much to do with sustainable design. Also I would like to even get involved with non-engineering sustainability and green, organizations and conventions. Also is there like a green expo similar to the Consumer electronics expo or something.

4 thoughts on “Is there a national 'green,' sustainable living conference/expo for engineers or really anyone? who? where?”

  1. Yes
    You just missed one of the very best. I own A Green Home Consulting which is an all things green consuting firm. If you like you can contact me privately. One of the best that was huge this year is in San Francisco. Called Green Business Conference. There are several more every year. I can get you a list. I would think as this field grows. there will be more of these each year .

  2. This is a huge national event that is going on with universities this month. A lot of it is web-based, so you can check it out via your computer even if you don’t live close to one of the participating universities.

    Focus the Nation

  3. There may or may not be a national green conference, but I am guessing there is because there is one in the Upper Midwest of the USA. Here is the link:

    I am sure that once you are browsing their website you’ll find something along the lines of what you’re looking for. Happy green designing!

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