I live in a typical boxy, drafty, energy sucking apartment and i try to live as "green" as i can. any suggestions on how to be more efficient? can i use a solar panel somehow, etc.? thanks.
how TO live green, sorry for the typo.
I live in a typical boxy, drafty, energy sucking apartment and i try to live as "green" as i can. any suggestions on how to be more efficient? can i use a solar panel somehow, etc.? thanks.
how TO live green, sorry for the typo.
Reduce drafts: Cover drafty windows with heavy curtains, or biodegradable sealing film. Hang blankets or tapestries on the walls. Stop door threshold leaks with stuffed "door snakes" or rolled towels.
Recycle: Sort your garbage. Find a recycling center near you and take them your paper, metal, glass, paper, etc.
Compost: Kitchen composing units take care of food scraps and shredded paper.
well, that depends on the size of ur appartment…..u can plant many varities by greenhouse affect on the upper terrance….u can decorate many plants as per their requirement of sunlight and can choose various plants to keep at various places….keep ur passage filled up with plants in pot….the stairs, lobby corners, room corners and even wash rooms can hv plants…..its not tough to maintain them….do that with the help of a good gardner….
U may also plant some bogunvilla kindda plants in the terrace as they just creep to the grills and walls of the house
This may not answer your question directly but I hope it inspires you.
Many people live in flats and apartments – who are, I dare say, not that happy. Certainly the life-style is not ideal. I get somewhat cross and feel frustrated when, as is happening today, the media are relaying the message from companies such as: Propertyfinder, that the future lies in the rental market – they mention landlords being happier, but fail to mention the many problems and limitations experienced by their tenants.
You have highlighted one problem – that rental property is often sub-standard and lacking in Green credentials. Multiply that problem across the world and we can see a major problem. Landlords tend to disregard "unnecessary" repairs and modernisation to keep profits high.
My radical solution goes completely against what the powers-that-be want. I don’t believe the future lies in renting. People want the best, and why shouldn’t they? What is best? Something that is much better… a new-style of living… for people of all ages… especially for those seeking independence…
Imagine beautiful parks, with lots of trees and flowers – fruit and veg growing in abundance – all for free… people live there – they sign up and join an international network, booking in / out… they live in modern (off-grid) homes that require no maintenance, that they can design themselves… the low-cost homes offer quality of life… people enjoy a healthy, happy life… the community is strengthened…
Interested? More info (see source)