Rawlemon Spherical Solar Energy Generator

This video is an introduction to Rawlemon Solar Energy Generator. It shortly explain the principles of our patent pending micro tracking system, and few appl…

23 thoughts on “Rawlemon Spherical Solar Energy Generator”

  1. I really like this, a better efficient way to harness #SolarEnergy for
    2014! #Rawlemon #SphericalSolarEnergy 

  2. This StartUp is amazing and I wish you all the luck in the world.
    – But I really don’t like the slogan because of the word “transparent”. Why
    would anyone want to invest in something they can not see?
    Better use, “Future is the Light”, “The future is Bright” or something like
    that. To be more motivational.

  3. This device its a great installation to put in an art gallery. But is not
    better than what already exist. I could do that whit water on a transparent
    nylon foil.

  4. Good idea. How does it compare in cost/kW versus other technologies?
    Also, how well does the concept deal with wear and contaminates from
    water? It seems like it would get cloudy and loose efficiency fast with
    wear from wind, rain, and sun. Most plastics do not do well in the sun
    over many years.

  5. be careful! traditional energy companies will try to kill you and eradicate
    your project for the sake of their infamous business! take all the
    precautions possible and god bless you for your compromise with planet

  6. “We could shut down 1 nuclear power plant.” I’ll never get why
    environmentalists always jump to shutting down the one power plant with
    zero emissions. Why not shut down coal or fossil plants in your example?
    Doesn’t make sense to me.

  7. would be good to invent solar street lights and traffic lights..(which
    birds cant mess on) eventually they can use the light to send data

  8. That looks very costly for a giant ball pointing to a small patch of solar
    panels seems that it makes too little energy

  9. That’s cool but nothing new. I have 30-year-old solar cells that are
    covered with little spheres (to concentrate the light). He just
    rediscovered what had been forgotten.

  10. Just got through your website. Very impressive. This sphere is just
    gorgeous! Would love to power my house with this. Any estimates on pricing?

  11. This video is a short explanation of how our pat. pending system works and
    few applications we are working on. Thanks for sharing it!

  12. This video is a short explanation of how our pat. pending system works and
    few applications we are working on. Thanks for sharing it!

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