Repower America with Solar Energy Studies show that the resource potential of solar energy is so vast that a parcel of land in the Southwest, 96 miles on a side, could power Americas entire electricity system. Join the campaign and help make it happen. Before a joint session of Congress last week, President Obama expressed strong support for growing our economy by repowering America, calling for American leadership and innovation in clean energy technologies and for a national energy policy that shifts emphasis away from the dirty fuels of the 20th century. We invented solar technology, but weve fallen behind countries like Germany and Japan in producing it, President Obama said. It is time for America to lead again. Call on your elected officials to lead again, join the Repower America campaign. http

25 thoughts on “Repower America with Solar Energy”

  1. TWO Things to see:

    One, SEE:
    “Lord Christopher Monckton: From Global Warming to Global Governance”

    Two, SEE:
    “Professor Bob Carter”

    Global Warming NEW truth – just out!
    A MUST see . . .

  2. check out/search ‘climate chains’
    on youtube.

    It is a compelling take on the cap and trade scam

  3. This is nothing more than a giant, global redistribution-of-wealth scheme. Man-made global warming, the hoax that it is, has always been nothing but that — with the accompanying gigantic growth-of-government from nation to nation occurring at the same time — and the loss of individual liberty and freedom.

  4. Be smart – don’t pay any more electricity bills. more info: (Copy to your browser’s address bar)

  5. Be smart – don’t pay any more electricity bills. more info: (Copy to your browser’s address bar)

  6. That’s truly amazing! I slashed my electric bill in half! look here: (Copy to your browser’s address bar)

  7. I saw that story and that’s not the impression that I got. When they say “damaging equipment” they mean overloading a part of the grid with power. So much power that it could basically fry the grid. After the point where the nuclear plant has put out the power.

    I still feel uneasy about nuclear and I would like to replace with wind/solar etc. I’m also uneasy about the smart grid technology that is hackable. I say we invest in making the technology more secure. Possibly part of the stimulus?

  8. christineglamazon

    While we’re on the topic of nuclear, CNN just ran a story about the proliferation of sophisticated hacker software embedded in the power grid, which is capable of not only shutting down the grid but “damaging equipment.” Now just imagine a Chinese hacker giving an order to a nuclear plant to do something catastrophic. And before you say that’s impossible, they’ve already found such code in Wall Street and other “protected” institutions, including the military.

    Now, why would we take that risk?

  9. Many are died for give the democracy to us but we have made ourselves to steal from the massoni,bankers that they have made”11-09″if a giambo account has been disintegrated the Pentagon, only making a hole of 3 mt in which military airport it is landed and who has eaten the passengers?All governments and religions have betrayed!Why the threat to the people has been so comprehensive!React with a meeting universal prayer every Monday from20 to 21,because if God has many religions is always One

  10. christineglamazon

    It turns out you’re right it isn’t insurance companies. No insurance company has EVER agreed to insure a nuclear power plant because they are too risky. Congress had to step in and pass a law that limits the owner’s liability. After TMI and Chernobyl people woke up to the dangers.

    Here in California we have these things called “earthquakes.” I shudder to think of the one operating nuke plant in Diablo (Devil’s) Canyon. Could end up a self-fulfilling prophecy building one there.

  11. christineglamazon

    “A nuclear plant is almost as hard to build as a coal plant.”

    According to the DOE, as of January 2009 there are 48 coal plants in the USA under or near construction or have obtained permits. How many nukes have been permitted since then? Don’t you think with all the money at stake that industry couldn’t twist enough arms to get even one plant built in 30 years?

  12. christineglamazon

    I am thinking practically. I used one of those solar calculators I just found. With a house that has a $300 monthly electric bill the system is only $24.3K after all the rebates and incentives with a break-even point of 11 years and 25-year ROI of 300%. I admit I was over-optimistic with my earlier calc, but it’s still worth it. And it will be 11 years of not contributing to pollution or being held hostage by fossil fuels or waiting for nuclear that may never be built. I *am* being practical.

  13. There is no specific law, as it’s a smorgasbord of Federal, state and often local regulatory bodies that have very lengthy and expensive hoops to jump through. Then there are the phalanx of lawsuits filed by envro groups. IIRC, plans for a new local nuclear plant were dropped because the legal and regulatory hurdles.

    A nuclear plant is almost as hard to build as a coal plant.

    Most any rudimentary search will show you what’s been going on for 20+ years in the US with regards to nuclear power.

  14. It’s not hard to estimate the numbers. I was being generous with my 50% power and “over 20K” numbers.

    As a matter of fact, the estimate offered by a industry website [Google: “solar estimate”, top of page] was more than double my ballpark cost estimate. The government rebates are less than set in stone and may take over a year to get, if ever.

    Try to think practically christine.

  15. christineglamazon

    I shouldn’t post before I’ve had my caffeine. I meant to say “name the decree or law that applies to nuclear.” What specific law hasn’t the nuke industry been able to get around (by stuffing GOP or Demo pockets) in twenty years to build even one new plant?

  16. christineglamazon

    I said, cite the specific regulations. There were actual laws, both Legislative and Executive decrees that banned offshore drilling. Name the decree or law that applies to solar.

    With regard to your 10-20 figure and you running your own solar energy numbers yourself, how did you arrive at those numbers? Are you an electrical engineer? According to an actual engineer for a power company, converting the rating of a solar system back to Kwatts/day is moderately complex.

  17. The government red tape involved with building a new nuclear plant is stifling. [See offshore drilling for an extreme example.]

    I figured out the solar panel figures for myself, and I live in “sunny Florida”. I would have only got about 1/3 of the electricity I needed at the cost of over the 20K. That kind of money takes beaucoup time to recoup, which is why most people who crunch the numbers decide to pass, unless of course they are looking to make a statement and/or feel good.

  18. christineglamazon

    Which government regulations preventing nuke power are you alluding to? Also, where do you get your 10-20 years figure? Cite specific references for both.

    Regarding the solar house, he says his own laziness has kept him from getting the rest of his rebate. It’s true his neighborhood sees the most fog and overcast in San Francisco, so it will take him longer to recoup, but people elsewhere — especically in sunny places like the SJ Valley and all of So. Cal will recoup much more quickly.

  19. I agree we should have meaningful tort reform legislation. Notwithstanding that, it’s gov. regs that keep us from proceeding

    In the example provided, only ~4k has been reimbursed so far. The rest is in the air [see his site]. It’ll take 10-20 years to recoup such money in most situations. Al Gore has panels BTW, and he’s still buying most of his electricity from the grid.

    The scale of use in Japan, France and even the limited use here plainly demonstrate the safely of modern nuclear power.

  20. christineglamazon

    Oh, please, are you that naive? The government routinely goes against what citizens want and kowtows to big business. Here in our lawsuit-happy country, insurance companies have the final say on what is or is not done. If it can’t find insurance, it isn’t done. Military use is tiny scale compared with civilian power generation, and the scale creates the risk.

    BTW, 35% of that 20K is rebated and in a sunny clime the panels would pay for themselves in a few years in utility savings.

  21. Ask the USN, France [~90%], Japan [~30% and rising] if it’s safe. Your fear-mongering is unsupported by the facts. It’s not insurance that is the major stumbling block for clean nuclear power, but government.

    Your link: 20K for panels? You make my case.

  22. christineglamazon

    Who says nuclear power is “safe” other than advocates like you? In the end, insurance companies, (like the ones who had to shell out for Three Mile Island), will be the ones who dictate whether or not anymore are built. If they see a risk of a multi-billion dollar payout, they will not cover a new plant. That’s the *real* reason for no new plants since TMI.

    BTW, your claims about solar are horsepuckey. Here’s an example of a solar house I described — tinyurl(.)com/solarhome

  23. Yes, the panels are getting better thank God, but they still aren’t up to snuff.

    Nuclear power is safe now. Yucca is OVER ENGINEERED. It’s safe as hell. Whatever France is doing is safe. We should deal with what’s real, not dreams. Some dreams do come come true, but they take time.

    Let not the perfect be the enemy of the good.

    And who are these people that sell their excess power? They must’ve had money to burn putting in those cost prohibitive panels.

    Night, clouds & powergrid = PROBLEM

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