Review: Living World Green Running Disk

WATCH IN HD This is a Review on the Living world green Running Disk! This is a very interesting Wheel it’s similar to the super pet flying saucer but it’s ma…

25 thoughts on “Review: Living World Green Running Disk”

  1. jessieloveslps789

    Hello, sorry to bother you. I had a quick question. I have had a dwarf
    hamster before, but he recently passed away. So, I asked for a winter white
    for Christmas. Would the hamster I get be alright with my old hamsters cage
    and house(if I get one)? Also how should I expand my cage since I asked for
    two male ones? If you want I can post a video of all my cages I have.
    Thanks, jessieloveslps789

  2. Help my Maia has bumble foot she has a little red stodp and I use care
    fresh a flying shawer (wheel ) I have a mesh top and a 10 gal tank (getting
    a bigger one ) I’m going to the vet on Saturday how can I help her

  3. Hey Tori!
    I noticed that their were little holes on the running disk, can it be
    possible to have a Syrian or a Dwarf to cut of circulation on their
    feet/paws while their running? 

  4. My hamster is a year old and always ran on a wheel could it be possible for
    him to switch or would he not run on it 

  5. Great video! I love your hoodie! (and you hair lol) Great review, but I’ve
    never seen these in my local Petco or Petsmart 🙁 In fact, I’ve never seen
    any Living World things :P

  6. My local store sells them for 29.99. Good to see a review because I have
    been interested to see how hamsters would lime it

  7. isabella mullaney

    ChocolateColors26 my hamster died today but was not in the cage we can not
    find her any idea what happened?

  8. What a wonderful review. You always do great reviews that are interesting
    to listen to. 🙂 It’s SO perfect how you wore green with green nails to
    review a Living World Green product hehe. This looks like a fun toy for
    hamsters and it’s great how it’s wood. One thing I worry about is hamsters
    that pee on their exercise toys……..that would be a disaster. 😀 Peachie
    was too darling!

  9. Oh now I want one! I like the fact that it is wood! I love natural cage
    themes! I LOVE the color of your nails! I painted mine red! Great review as
    always Tori! 🙂 

  10. Ooh, your green sweatshirt really stands out, & I really like it! 🙂 Hmm,
    we must not have got it yet. It’s pretty interesting, & I bet it looks
    perfect in your natural cages! 😀 Aww, chubby Peach! She’s so silly! 😛
    Well, really nice, thorough review as always! I’ll have to stalk the Pet
    Stores until it comes out…. hehe. ;D 

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