SOLAR DEATH RAY WATER aqua lens with 1/3 Kilowatt Heat Energy grid free energy

This solar water lens that is almost 30 inches in diameter is grid free energy and can burn through wood quickly. It delivers a very large powerful focal poi…

25 thoughts on “SOLAR DEATH RAY WATER aqua lens with 1/3 Kilowatt Heat Energy grid free energy”

  1. Lemme ask you this. If a solar panel had a “lens” (I guess), that was like
    a super thin water tank could that improve Energy absorption? And, with you
    lens that got 3k degrees, what if that was on a solar panel, backwards?
    Would it disperse light?

  2. george77772moons

    reminds me of my old physics professor’s method, except he just used one of
    those mirrors you find in hallway corners at hospitals

  3. Roiikka-Ta Globetrotter

    i was thinking just the same thing. why not have magnifying glasses on top
    of a solar panel .. ?

  4. Mohammed Ghanem

    ok you have a very nice thing here but .. how much time dose it take for
    the water to evaporate ?? 

  5. Tracking is the problem. The Earth is always moving. Good for maybe
    cooking a meal at noon. 😀 There are large scale installations which
    produce steam and then produce electricity. These use mirrors which track
    the sun.

  6. The curve is not actually parabolic. It is what is called a Catenary curve.
    Catenary curves have a special geometry about them that make them Ideal for
    constructing arches such as the St. Louis Arch. I mentioned in another
    video of yours that you should look into compound parabolic curves for
    focusing sunlight so that you could withstand a degree of tolerance. It
    turns out that a 1 to 4 height to length ratio models a catenary curve that
    exhibits the same characteristics of a parabola with the same height to
    length ratio. Now, catenary curves are extremely easy to construct. The
    curve that holds your water is catenary!!! In short, build your acrylic
    mirrors with catenary curvature to increase the length of time you can hold
    your mirror in one spot.

  7. #solarenergy is the way, but, f–k all the companies pushing

    SOLAR DEATH RAY WATER aqua lens with 1/3 Kilowatt Heat Energy

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