Solar Energy in Japan

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12 thoughts on “Solar Energy in Japan”

  1. Sadly in Canada solar is expensive and extortionist practices, and our
    hydro in Ontario is going up 30 percent because of stupid cancel of
    contracts for power plant. I wish Canada would follow this model, even them
    buying power is half of what we pay for it, so the opposite, man I can’t
    wait to leave and move to Japan, now I just have to work on getting here.

    In Canada the price on panels would be 3 times that

  2. A lot of chinese solar companies went out of business. Some solar
    installers won’t carry the chinese brands. So go with japanese brands that
    have been around for a long time.
    They also did this solar program to help replace the energy production lost
    when the fukushima plant went off line. But they didn’t make their goals
    with solar. Red tape and unqualified developers caused the failure.

  3. 我々 東電エリアに住む貧乏人は、上乗せさせらた料金を強制的に奪られています。
    東電を、国営化し 生きている、過去の経営陣からも財産没収するべきです。

  4. Moroboshi Dankichi

    Nice video, TheJapanChannelDcom-san. Your clip reminds me of a solar water
    heater put on the roof of my parents’ old house where I was brought up. It
    looked similar to nowadays solar (photovoltaic) panels but it was much
    We used the hot water from the heater mainly to fill the bath tub. It was
    very efficient especially during the summer.
    I wonder if people still use that old technology.

  5. Well that’s a good government you have. I think it’s a very good way to get
    customers onto the solar train.

    Now Japan should work on durability of buildings so that they last more
    than 30 years and provide more insulation.

  6. This is would be a good thing to do for a new home. I don’t see how it’s
    cost effective for an older home.

  7. +Flankymanga I guess you do realize that I was being sarcastic.
    Not everyone likes to have wind turbines in the vicinity, they make pretty
    annoying, whirring noises and their swoshing shadows can be quite
    disturbing, espec when they come across the road right in front of you. On
    the other hand, there are millions of acres of roof space that can – and
    should! – be coverd with solar panes.
    Covering fields is an absolute no-go!

  8. Its a excellent strive for green energy, but we all know its also about
    weather… Are these solar panels strong enough against snow? Ice balls?
    Rain? Hurricanes? What is the insurance price?

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