solar energy power system Custom electric bike solar panels works in the sun

solar energy power system works in the sun Custom electric bike solar panels Contest is free How to enter the giveaway: Subscribe on YouTube Follow on Twitter: Join on Facebook: It doesn’t matter your location or age, anyone can enter. (No purchases or fees will ever be required / Youtube friend requests are not included) THEKPV began in 2008 by me Terry Hope. I had worked as an engineer aboard Copper Sky. An 88ft steel haul sailboat. The captain would not allow a full size electric scooter.. I had only one option.. design a vehicle that will fit inside a suitcase. As seen on: THEKPV specs. 44 lbs 396 Wh Battery 13 km Range 15 min recharge 80% 28 Wh 12v booster 10000 cycles 10.8V Capacitor 50 lbs w/Solar Array 50 Watts solar power 12V Kinetic gen device

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