A unique thermosolar power station in southern Spain can shrug off cloudy days: energy stored when the sun shines lets it produce electricity even during the night. The Gemasolar station, up and running since last May, stands out in the plains of Andalusia. Duration: 1:51.
In the USA the Republicans are doing everything they can to cancel funding of President Obama’s alternative energy programs & investments into R&D for stuff like wind, solar, batteries, etc., The Republicans intend on keeping America addicted to fossil fuels while the rest of the world moves on into the 21st Century! The problem is the Republicans pose a HUGE THREAT to the rest of the world because without the US reducing its CO2 output the climate will continue to get worse!
Amazing – its good that we are making such break throughs its going help secure energy security. Bad luck Saudi & Binladen crime families the EU is back making a future without your control of the oil supply & manipulation of energy prices!
Why not place two stations in the desert, one on the USA side and the other on the Mexico side? Thermosolar Power at night. Cheaper than Nuclear Power.
wow, we need this worldwide
Let’s get more of these things up and running already.