For the first time ever, a crew is trying to sail around the world using only solar energy to power the ship. Casey Kauffman went to meet the sailors onboard the world’s largest solar ship as it was docked in Doha.
For the first time ever, a crew is trying to sail around the world using only solar energy to power the ship. Casey Kauffman went to meet the sailors onboard the world’s largest solar ship as it was docked in Doha.
Ok… How about we built a flying saucer now using Aetheric technology?
they can’t stop an idea who’s time has come! Ron Paul Revolution
Don’t forget that solar panels in its manufacturing and the materials’ mining are very unenvironmental-friendly. Solar panel itself is a very big polluter.
Sail boat sails around the world
This business from its begining has been ecofriendly
@bodryn yes i heard that,,, this is the new tehnology to clean our planet best regrds,,,
Next they should make a wind powered ship and sail it around the world …
The arctic ice cap grew by 9% from 2007 to 2008.
Polar bears are thriving.
According to reliable NASA data taken from satellites, mountaintops and hotair balloons, this decade has seen an overall decline in temp.
Ecosystem imbalance is more often than not part of natural cycles with overstated effects.
And it’s been going on since the last ice age with today’s temperatures still following the average increase since that time. All you tell me about is hysteria, not science.
@AwesomeCoasters  The more proper term is climate change, because it affects different parts of the earth differently. For example, the Gulf Stream is slowing down, which means northern Europe will tend to be colder. This is caused by the diminishing north polar ice cap, where the difference in weight between fresh and salt water tends to make that water circulate.
@AwesomeCoasters Why don’t you ask the people living on Tuvalu Is in the Pacific if they believe in global warming? Why don’t you ask the Inuit living in the north of Nunavut if they believe in global warming? Why don’ t you ask the people of BC who are seeing their forests being overrun by the Pine Beetle because the winters are no longer cold enough to freeze them out?
@bonds911 I understand that also there now are semitransparent solar panels that can be used as windows and also act as solar panels.
That may be true. But…
1. Which has been more reliable throughout human history. Wind or sun light?
2. Sail boats existed for thousands of years before motors were invented. So that argument is kinda weak. :-/ No offense.
@ArchNME Wanna bet?  Don’t you know that many sailboats also have gas powered engines on them?
Of course, who doesn’t like political control and complaining? Everybody believes in global warming on the planet, but no one can claim it whilst having something to say! On the other hand, us deniers have so much to say, that your not listening to us is a concrete-solid proof that you’re the ones who never listen. Or do you?
@VNSki Sometimes you have wind but no sun. But sometimes you have sun, but no wind. We need both, eh? I haven’t been to a marina lately, but I’m quite sure you’ll see blue water yachts that have BOTH types of power available to charge their batteries.
@AwesomeCoasters If you think global warming is a scam, you’ve been brainwashed by American media. Go try and sell your theories in other countries and they’ll just laugh at you.
@Urhoboman5 If you’ve ever been in the doldrums, you’ll know that wind doesn’t always exist when you need it.
Gloval warming has always existed, though not the global warming crisis.
@kurtilein3 Yes, landlubbers usually don’t think about the fact that sailboats need electrical power for some routine things and the only way to get elec power is batteries either charged by gas engines, or alternatively by solar or wind power generators.
@Hillsillverr It is worth mentioning that gas turbine engines used to be mentioned as possible successors to the reciprocating engines: Andy Granatelli proved it at Indianapolis in 1967 and 1968. However, the corrupt USAC outlawed them even though evidence was they provided twice the gas mileage.
F******g ridiculous
@AwesomeCoasters If you still don’t believe global warming is fact, maybe some empirical evidence is what you need. 
@ArchNME So you think solar boats are ridiculous but sailboats aren’t? I can see immediate advantages to solar power here. They have a stable catamaran as opposed to a simple sailboat that heels over as you sail. They also have power to run their computers and instruments that otherwise would require gas for generators. World commerce ran on sail power in the 1800’s. They will have to come up with other than gas/oil to run on in the future.
Loads of lead and cadmium, 2 carcinogens. Did you even think before claiming that solar panels are made of… silicon crystals n copper? Would you say that plasma tvs are plasma and aluminium?!
And then… someone who puts back into question global warming is uneducated? A vague theory so full of holes, incertitudes manipulated to look like certitudes… a smart person’s 1st reaction to it would be to INVESTIGATE, not eat up the misleading arrows pointing up. Let me tell you about it.