Solar Thanksgiving Grid Free Cooking

Happy turkey day from GreenPowerScience. This entire meal was cooked entirely from using only sunlight.

25 thoughts on “Solar Thanksgiving Grid Free Cooking”

  1. @GREENPOWERSCIENCE RE: The bra video. Honestly, your wife should consider doing a channel of her own. She’s an amazing woman. I’m sure she could crush your subscriber count in no time 🙂

  2. Congrats Dan, this video was listed in the youtube blog! Unfortunately it was just a text link at the bottom, but hey! Your getting noticed!

  3. Tracking the sun? Didn’t you have to keep moving the mirrors. That would have been good to see.

  4. @fridgeways Yes, the Easy Bake Oven utilized reflective surfaces and a 100 watt lightbulb. Do they still make those? Anyway, great idea about the generator. This year we had a record amount of rain (since they first began keeping records). Ah, Northeast Ohio and the Lake Effect! ROFL

  5. Absolutely the best video on solar cooking bar none. Five stars!!! Did you offer your mom any dinner? I started to say Dan looks as though he lifts weights, but hot oil doesn’t care how strong you are. …how about a pivoting arm to swing the food into focus? Wish you a great recovery from doing the solar thanksgiving. Also huge thanks for showing people CAN do full elegant meals with solar power.

  6. @alemapretsof

    Easy bake oven? whats that then light bulb oven?. suppose you could have all the gutters diverting to one downpipe and driving a tiny generator, that way you could power a bulb and at least you could see your uncooked food

  7. Funny! You guys are great! That made my day.
    I hope you don’t mind, I embedded this on our facebook page ~ /solrwind

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  8. @fridgeways , You could always get an easy bake oven, which has similar effects, but you will need to use electricity. (I just KNOW you will appreciate the tongue in cheek humor!)

  9. Uh, I just wanted to know the vendor and style for personal use! I don’t need 2 cup sizes, but it appears to “support the girls”, which is a problem with larger breasts. Ya’ll can do whatever vids you want! rofl


    @alemapretsof Victoria’s Secret “Miraculous” 2-cup size boost bra. Thumbs up if she should do a video on it:-)LOL

  11. “It was 295 when I stuck my hand in it.” ouch (Dan the human cooking thermometer) … lol
    Great video 5 stars and thumb up. Happy Turkey Day!

  12. Wow, Dan, can I come over for Thanksgiving?
    This kinda stuff might even take my mind off football ( a rare feat)! 🙂

  13. @GREENPOWERSCIENCE Hey, would your wife please share the brand and model name of the boosting workout bra that you referenced? That would be very helpful!! Thanks~

  14. Hey,1991araaron, what do you mean “OLD” people? These are exactly the type of things I love to do with my grandchildren. (Please know that I am just carrying on.) Some of us old fogey’s love Science!!

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