Spherical Solar Energy : DigInfo

DigInfo – movie.diginfo.tv In the search for alternative energy Clean Venture 21 have developed a new spin on solar. Their Spherical Silicon Solar Array are made from silicon spheres 1mm in diameter which sit in a reflector which is 2.2 to 2.7mm in width. The sphere catches and stores the incidental light on its n-Si (or sphere surface) and transfers it to the p-Si (its internal sphere) which is in turn connected to a p-electrode. Clean Venture 21 also utilizes traditional flat-type arrays as well. “These cells here are in a 5cm x 15cm formation- each individual cell has a 1mm silicon ball inside it and it has an overall efficiency conversion rate of about 10%. In other experiments we have had efficiency rates of about 12%. Very soon we’d like to achieve 13 to 14% rates.” The benefits of their Micro condensing type spherical silicon solar array is that it’s 5 times cheaper to make, uses 5 times less material, and requires half the energy to reproduce than its contemporaries.

6 thoughts on “Spherical Solar Energy : DigInfo”

  1. @Anothercoilgun imagine a day when solar power reaches 100% efficiency. it can happen!! that would make the world better. =]

  2. scientificallygreene

    Hey, check out my website at ScientificallyGreener(Dot) com and get all the new and improved Equipments to build or buy your own solar and wind energy systems ScientificallyGreener(Dot) com is a website that sells the most modern environmental products available

  3. Just waiting for solar cells to reach 50+ percent. Lots of power in small size. I usually do everything myself sans aid from others. Must I because a special materials scientist just so I can hit 50+ percent efficiency in solar tech? Do I have to do everything myself!

  4. This is interesting. I always thought that modern day flat panels were sorely inefficient. I had an idea I got from the mechanics used in expanding surface area that intestines use to gather nutrients. This uses a similar philosphy. Photons should be able to be reused once it strikes the silicon surface, if it can be trapped and bounced off multiple surfaces. I’d thought that a more “alternating” surface area would increase exposure, resulting in a smaller more convenient PV system.

  5. Solar Sphere Panels,used on cars or in space: Energy to move the dishes all day to get the right angle focus on a car, Half the energy is used trying to move all the dishes all the time. Sphere Solar panels on say a truck more aero dynamic for traveling(compared to dish).Nasa space telescopes that have sphere shaped panels because to much energy to move a dish in space. Plus a dish must recharge its battery for dish motion.Battery last 10 years.Sphere solar panels don’t need to move for sun

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