Storing solar energy at home

New technology from Infineon promotes the adoption of renewables by enabling solar energy to be stored efficiently.

24 thoughts on “Storing solar energy at home”

  1. Борис Цупило

    Любая война гарантировано дает работу всем её участникам. Не хотите же вы сказать, что ради работы нам следует воевать?

    Any war is guaranteed to give work to all the participants. You do not mean to say that we should work for the fight?

  2. Nana Mulyasari

    Guys, making your own home energy doesn’t need to be difficult (I used to think it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for a alternative home energy known as Xobotano Home Energy (search on google). Seriously, Xobotano Home Energy has save large sums of my money. I probably should not even be talking about it cause I do not want a bunch of other guys out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am just in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.

  3. We could have this at our homes for ages, but the problem is that this technique is to expensive (sun collectors with power storage). I would like to have it, so that I won’t need to pay any power or even gass bills, but I don’t make enuff money to buy this. Older people on this planet (I mean 50+ with more money) won’t buy it, because they are dead at the time they earn the investment back.
    But still, this will be the future!

  4. Don’t say something stupid like that. Green energy is good, but it will also cause many job losses on current power plants if they are not needed anymore.

  5. This still surprises me, how many people don’t know about Xobotano Home Energy (google it), although a lot of people save a large amount of money because of this alternative energy. Thanks to my buddy who told me about Xobotano Home Energy, I have slashes my electric bill by 75% in under 30 days

  6. it is a nice way of use energy and for your project, you could say that you would transfer the power so at one time you are only using wind and the other you are only using solar.

  7. Gianfranco Fronzi

    This looks too sensible , why not have a nuclear reactor doing this work ? Why ? Because we’ve got a real big one that starts every morning . Hey let’s put a theoretical physicist theorizing . Pull down his curtains while he sleeps , then he can sleep all day and when he does get up he theorizes a sun .

  8. Excuse me, what about the electronic board you presented? Is it not a standard battery charger, right? Is it already on the market? Which is the marketing contact, please? Thank you

  9. My solution to this problem is to use retired car batteries. This reduces the battery cost to zero. The batteries are not good enough to start a car engine, but are fine for lighting. See my video for details by looking up Apollo DC Stand

  10. 1] Very costly
    2] Not at all environment friendly
    3] I could buy solar panels, lead acid batteries and an inverter for lot cheap, hook them up and i am ready to go green…
    4] No extreme research is required as shown in video, as its already been done.

  11. Yes and in Germany just like in Colorado or in the south of the US it was found that intermittent energy causes more CO2 and more air pollution because conventional power plants have to idle in the background to jump in when wind or sun are off. A gusher of lies from greenpeace tries to hide the adverse effects on the environment and the price.
    Also one sunny day is not important, PV in Germany produces only 0.3% of total energy in Germany, most so called alternatives are biomass, which kill ppl

  12. Which part do you think is kooky? Breeding Uranium to get 100 times more energy from it and not only use the 0.7% U235? Molten salt reactors that burn our waste? Google for MSR or LFTR? Oak Ridge ran MSR in the 1960s under Alvin Weinberg and Nixon stopped research in favor of molten metal fast breeders. China and India are pursuing Thorium and MSR aggressively now, the USA has lost the lead.
    Or maybe the ion exchangers to get Uranium from Seawater? See also ORNL research results..

  13. Sorry, I didn’t see this comment earlier. But this is kooky bullshit. You are fantasizing about technology which is simply not there and most likely cannot be implemented due to laws of physics.

  14. The answer to your “why” is relatively simple: because there is hoping that with further research renewable energies can be made cleaner (in fact, Earth has run on solar energy for millions of years now…). I also notice that you didn’t bother to address my points about future exhaustion of nuclear fuel and lack of space for safe nuclear waste storage (over hundreds of years). So apparently you aren’t really interested in an intelligent exchange.

  15. Why would anyone want to go with these intermittent forms of energy if they cause more CO2, more air pollution and kill much more people for example through hunger than even coal does with it’s air pollution?
    The only reasonable way forward is safe and clean nuclear power which is cheaper than coal, so that developing countries will switch over. It is already happening even if most people dont know about it. India, Brasil, Russia, South Korea and especially China is on an aggressive nuclear path

  16. Intermittent energy is a problem – everyone involved with renewables admits this much. The big question is whether it is a problem which cannot be solved in principle and whether the alternative (of sticking to fossil and nuclear fuel) is any more viable – and for how long.

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