T-Shirt and Jeans – A Song

Ellen Hardcastle: dftba.com In which Hank sings a song about his favorite outfit. I wrote this after a debate with Tom Milsom. A debate which, to be clear, I was not the winner of. I actually think that fashion is a perfectly viable form of communication and that is absolutely an art. So, yeah, I agree with the perspective of the song but not, like, completely. Anyway…Lyrics: Chords Capo 3 Verse: GDCD Chorus: Bm CD Bm CDG GDCD Bridge CG CD Not sure…really, but you can probably figure it out.

25 thoughts on “T-Shirt and Jeans – A Song”

  1. This is like my entire life, I swear to god XD
    Other girls wear fancy outfits, I wear a t-shirt and jeans :3

  2. Even though I like the song (very much), I disagree with the point you try to make with it. If I, for instance, see someone in a red shirt with your brothers face on it and the name of one of the most delicious meals on the planet below it, I know that person is awesome.

  3. @DancingOnTheTardis You can find you 10 word script at the YouTuube channel hardcastlevideos. C: DFTBA

  4. I love it when you do music here. It’s always like, ooh surprise music! It’s delightful.

  5. DancingOnTheTardis

    HEY, SPEAKING OF ELLEN HARDCASTLE, where is the 10 word video you promised me with my CD order? Please answer me HANK 🙂

  6. hey Hank. see that unicorn on your shelf? the blue one with the purple mohawk and bandaid on his nose? WELL I HAVE HIM TOO AND I SAW HIM ON YOUR SHELF AND INTERNALLY SQUEE’D. he is indeed a badass unicorn.

  7. The whole time I was just waiting for your glasses to fall off. I know how you feel, dude. My eyes are horrible, so naturally, my glasses are quite thick. Which makes them heavy. Which means that sometimes I’ll be doing something with both hands that I can’t stop doing and my glasses will be half hanging off my nose and it’s like an itch you know you can’t scratch.
    But yeah.

  8. extremeXjapanophile

    Hank (William), I just want to say that I love you. Not you personally, because I’ve never met you, and you’re also married, but all the things you say and do in every video you’ve ever made. Seriously, you are awesome, thank you for existing.

  9. Is it bad that the first thing I noticed was the copy of City of Bones he has on the bottom shelf?

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