Bob Doyle from The Secret & Liz Green Share HIGH Vibes – Pioneers of Positive Change

Thanks for stopping by to tune into pioneers of positive change share high vibes with Bob Doyle & Liz Green AkA Law of Attraction Queen… You can get your very own gratitude bracelet here – You can connect with Bob Doyle here: Learn more about the program’s he mentioned here – (To the uAttract Webinar) Once launch at the end of Feb 2012 – & the main site: Oh & if you would love to hear more of Bob playing his Uke you MUST check out his youtube channel – You can connect with Liz here ~ & on facebook here This was Such Great fun! how does it get EVEN better? WHat else is possible?

Bob Doyle from The Secret & Liz Green Share HIGH Vibes – Pioneers of Positive Change Read More »