Bob Doyle from The Secret & Liz Green Share HIGH Vibes – Pioneers of Positive Change

Thanks for stopping by to tune into pioneers of positive change share high vibes with Bob Doyle & Liz Green AkA Law of Attraction Queen… You can get your very own gratitude bracelet here – You can connect with Bob Doyle here: Learn more about the program’s he mentioned here – (To the uAttract Webinar) Once launch at the end of Feb 2012 – & the main site: Oh & if you would love to hear more of Bob playing his Uke you MUST check out his youtube channel – You can connect with Liz here ~ & on facebook here This was Such Great fun! how does it get EVEN better? WHat else is possible?

20 thoughts on “Bob Doyle from The Secret & Liz Green Share HIGH Vibes – Pioneers of Positive Change”

  1. Liz, you’re a star! The queen of positive change! I love how it didn’t “feel” like an interview, which so many others can. You were concious to show the “high vibrations” and pushed it there, which is such credit to you. And Bob, so talented you made me smile with the music and beautiful words. xxxxx

  2. Great video Liz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to you and Bob! I took Bob’s Wealth Beyond Reason program a few years ago and it REALLY helped me get clear on how LOA works! Now I have my own LOA coaching business and live my passion everyday in the music industry! 😉

  3. @johnboz777 I’m sharing vibes with my friend Michael Losier who wrote the book Law of Attraction next Wednesday be sure to stay tuned in :))))))

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