The Future Of Solar Energy

Experts have suggested that solar-powered energy can become a significant and cost-efficient replacement for fossil fuels in the near future, but will the government help? Tony Guida reports.

15 thoughts on “The Future Of Solar Energy”

  1. I invented a breakthrough energy source which violates the law of energy conservation. I have a PROOF that there are electrodynamic phenomena violating the law of energy conservation. I am looking for $30000 for a prototype and for $3M for patents. In mass production it will cost $1200 to make a 15 kW generator, value of energy produced YEARLY about $10000.
    H. Tomasz Grzybowski
    tel. +48-512-933-540

  2. pacificcresttrans

    Solar energy has the potential to meet up to 15% of the electricity requirement in the US by 2020. Government subsidies for solar power are also making this possible. People are adopting alternate energy for their electricity needs and as energy demands increase, markets for alternative energy sources will only grow. Pacific Crest Transformers has a range of interesting articles on the renewable energy sector on their website.

  3. scientificallygreene

    Hey, check out my website at ScientificallyGreener(Dot) com and get all the new and improved Equipments to build or buy your own solar and wind energy systems ScientificallyGreener(Dot) com is a website that sells the most modern environmental products available

  4. Be smart – don’t pay any more electricity bills. more info: (Copy to your browser’s address bar)

  5. Dear Corporate Media

    Buh Buh Buh Bullshit! I don’t want plants!!!! I want decentralized energy!!! Gimmie cells gangsta not power bills!!! Gimmie freedom bro not shackles!!! Gimmie the power to enpower and then leave me be; for this will be the true age of cheap clean energy!


    PS. Thanks for half assing CBS the populace can read books now and we gots the infraweb so quit selling us future plants instead of selling us future cells!

  6. Be smart – don’t pay any more electricity bills. more info: (Copy to your browser’s address bar)

  7. solar power companies should start dropping the prices all the way down so we collapse the God Dam Petroleum problem and we erase “the just for rich business”” issue that curse everyone and the environment!

  8. they just want to make a living rich taking our money out of our pockets from subsidies and i just hate them cuz its simple and they charge a lot! of a hell dam it!

  9. Solar Sphere Panels,used on cars or in space: Energy to move the dishes all day to get the right angle focus on a car, Half the energy is used trying to move all the dishes all the time. Sphere Solar panels on say a truck more aero dynamic for traveling(compared to dish).Nasa space telescopes that have sphere shaped panels because to much energy to move a dish in space. Plus a dish must recharge its battery for dish motion.Battery last 10 years.Sphere solar panels don’t need to move for sun

  10. Solar Sphere Panels,used on cars or in space: Energy to move the dishes all day to get the right angle focus on a car, Half the energy is used trying to move all the dishes all the time. Sphere Solar panels on say a truck more aero dynamic for traveling(compared to dish).Nasa space telescopes that have sphere shaped panels because to much energy to move a dish in space. Plus a dish must recharge its battery for dish motion.Battery last 10 years.Sphere solar panels don’t need to move for sun

  11. if they can figure out how to collect the sunlight AND the heat from the sun, it can increase the energy and lessen the cost of making them

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