THE LAST MOUNTAIN Panel Discussion w/producer: Green Living Series

(October 14, 2011)The controversial mining strategy called mountaintop removal was the subject of Friday night’s GREEN LIVING SERIES presentation, THE LAST MOUNTAIN, which was followed by a panel discussion, moderated by GREEN CONCORD’s Deb Demoulpied and including (lr): Brownie Carson, former ED, Maine Dept. of Natural Resources, Eric Grunebaum, producer of THE LAST MOUNTAIN, Christophe Courchesne, Conservation Law Foundation,Mike O’Meara, NH SEA, and Jim Reubens, lawyer and conservation advocate. Additional shows of the documentary continued through Oct. 20 in the Red River Theatres Screening Room . The film was sponsored by The NH Sustainable Energy Association and Green Concord. Support independent cinema in NH by becoming a Member of Red River Theatres today at

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