The Sims 2 – Green House Building Process

Hey everyone! This video features the building process of the house I created specially for my earlier movie, ‘A Sims2 Christmas’. I named it ‘Green House’ because I had the environment in mind. Sure you can cringe and go ‘Oh please…’ but I tried to make this house as environmentally friendly as possible…were it real that is. It features 3 bedrooms, a private ensuite, seperated toilet, shower and bathroom sinks, a Formal lounge, open living room and kitchen with counter-top dining, outdoor patio, pool, admirable landscaping and a single garage. Solar pannel are situated on the roof. These help your Sims save a little money by taking full advantage of their computer generated sun shine 😀 The music used for this video is from the SimCity 4 Rush Hour Expanion pack.. Here is the direct link to this lot on… Hope you enjoy the video. Feedback is most welcome 🙂 Happy Simming everyone! TheSimMan…

25 thoughts on “The Sims 2 – Green House Building Process”

  1. @peachymusiclover Oh he can do this, I’ve played the sims ever since I was what like Four for playstation2 My mum taught me how to play, and I’ve been playing the one for PC ever since I was 8, I’m fourteen now, So Yes He can do this. I know Sims2 By heart off heart.

  2. that is a damn cool house but u cant do that on sims 2. u might of got the version wrong cuz i know sims 2 off by heart and lots of those things u cant do

  3. imaginationdrawer

    Copy this to two other videos then press f3 f4 f5 and you’ll get 70000 ecoins and a membership

  4. Webkinzluver9912

    everyone the cheat to make furniture diagonal is:
    boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotaion true
    exactly like that

  5. can someone PLEASE tell me how to put chairs an stuff in a angle of 45 degrees? and to make the roof that low? please tell me, i would be thankful as f*ck.

  6. shallyshallow08

    Too bad it’s up for download in Sims website. It doesn’t let me download anything because I lost my registration codes…..

  7. Does anybody know a Real Good Sim City Game? I want one thats exact and precise as possible.

  8. in real life however, i don’t know if having bedrooms so close to a garage is a good idea….

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