There's an all white pigeon with a green tag living in my building. Is this of value to anyone?

It doesn’t seem to be afraid of people. How should I remove it from the building without hurting it?

2 thoughts on “There's an all white pigeon with a green tag living in my building. Is this of value to anyone?”

  1. It could be a racing pigeon – If you can somehow trap it and read the numbers on the band, we may be able to get it back to the owner.

    If you catch it and the band begins with an AU go to and look for the Lost Bird listings

    If it begins with an IF go to and look for the Lost Bird listing

    If it begins with CU go here:

    If it begins with any other letters, then it’s likely not a racing homer (at least in N. America) and we’d need to know the listing to try to track down the owner for you.

    As for catching it – if it’s someplace where you can reach it at night and it’s safe to do so, then shut off all the lights and put a towel over it at night and you should be able to get it easily. — If you miss and it spooks and flies the chances of ever getting it again drop to about 5%

  2. It may be a value to someone, because that green tag is to identify the pigeon. All racing pigeons have a pigeon band that is registered with a pigeon club. If you send me an e-mail with all the information on the pigeons band on its leg, I will help find its owner. If you catch the pigeon and try to find the owner by yourself, some of these sites may be helpful:
    AU = and click Lost Bird
    IF = and look under Lost & Found
    FTS =
    CU = and look for lost pigeon


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