Three Solar Food Dehydrators – solar energy at work! The first solar dehydrator is shown by robert and marina at dell artimus farm. The solar heat comes from a heated panel at the bottom,…

25 thoughts on “Three Solar Food Dehydrators – solar energy at work!”

  1. Since putting up this video I have received a lot of feedback. The
    downdraft style seems to be working the best for folks.

  2. I’m trying to imagine the legs and the oil …. Maybe there is a doughnut
    around each leg full of oil? I think your idea of oil would be better than
    diatomaceous earth.

  3. Hello Paul… Where can I find plans for building a downdraft dehydrator? I
    am very interested in building one of them… Thanks..

  4. As my Human Physiology teacher used to say, ” Osmotic pressure sucks,
    Hydrostatic pressure blows.”

  5. Howdy. I have looked at some youtube videos with people talking about solar
    dehydrators. I am not impressed. There seems to be a lot of people out
    there interested in making videos for the sake of making videos. This one
    brought me new info. Thank you. This idea of a “down draft” solar
    dehydrator sounds interesting. I agree that it is dry air flowing over your
    food that dehydrates it, not heat. I plan on building a dehydrator for
    storing food in 2012. I will do more research.

  6. — these are very cool. I had never considered the downdraft/gathering of
    moisture aspect to this kind of solar heating application. awesome^^

  7. Any source for the plans, or at least a cut away drawing? I’m having
    trouble visualizing the downdraft in my head.

  8. Ive built mine using beer cans painted black in a panel that feeds into a
    cabinet I built out of scrap wood, painted black. but I put a white
    corrugated plastic roof on top thinking that the white top would be cooler
    than the bottom and get the heat to travel up and out the vents on the top
    kinda like the top on the last dryer, I havent really gotten to fill it up
    cause I built it last winter. i have dryed some bananas and strawberries in
    it, hope to fill it up with peaches this year!

  9. Wow, those dehydrators have a lot of drying space. The first one didn’t
    look so big until he opened the door and with 8 trays, minus the cat, it
    looks like more than 45 square feet of drying room. Very nice.

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