January 9, 2013—New Jersey is turning eyesores into solar farms. The US state has become a leader in solar energy capacity. Energy from the sun now comes from contaminated land not suitable for development.
January 9, 2013—New Jersey is turning eyesores into solar farms. The US state has become a leader in solar energy capacity. Energy from the sun now comes from contaminated land not suitable for development.
im so horny
Is it 1 megawatt per day or a week or a month?
man we should throw the 7 people who disliked this out of earth in the space
as soon as china starts making these panels for like 10 bux each
then the world will be full of panels everybody laughing with free lecky.
good old chineze’s (:
“,,,gives a new meaning to ‘one man’s waste is another man’s treasure'”
No, it does not.
Nice to see this sort of thing in the U.S. We always assume that oil conquers all over there.
I loved this story. I can’t wait to get solar energy.
Hope restored.
Great video! I hoped for some discussion as to the efficiency of the solar panels, also Hurricane Sandy happened in October, not November.
대단한 태양열 집열판임
Best idea I’ve heard in months!
_!: СДЕЛАЙТЕ рЕГИОНсЦЕНИРОВКУ _ и Следующий Ролик _ ДАлЛЕе = АДМИН _ гриф ( ЭТА _ запись ) .
_!: НужноСрочноПоставитьАфриканцаИ:Европейца_ ГЕРМАНЦА : Фашиста _ МЕЖДУ предметами _ Эпох : Цивилизаций _ АТОМНАЯ ~ информационНая .
_!: Наблюдая эти Источники Энергий _ Нужно Быть _ ОСТОРОЖНЫМИ _ обратите ВНИМАНИЕ _ солнечные ВСПЫШКИ минимум Дадут ЗАСУХУ _ максимум ( КИНО : Торчвуд _ СЕРИЯ _ О : Маяке ) _ !: … – Энергия – Же По проводам _ НЕ ПОКАЗЫВАЮТ _ станцию + ЕСЛИ произойдёт Катастрофа _ пример : Чернобыль _ ( 20000 _ годов _ ЗаражёНных _ ТЕРРИТОРИЙ ) _ . КороЧеСли Бы Мне дали понять ЧТОэтиБатареи_Всё_ЧТОесть_:!_ТоСтавитьНужно ТАМ:””…””” = Звёздные БатарЕиЗобретениеИз:ИНФОРМАЦИОнНОЙ _эпохи ( Я : /// _оТтудаПРИБЫЛ )
I also applaud fforts to save the planet. But sometimes I wonder if it’s to late to turn back the clock and undo some of the damage that we have done to our ozone layer. Also I would love to have a job installing solar panels.
Very good nice job !
天然資源 有效利用
Got better way for generation electricity
I have. More than once.
.30 cents a month fuck why not just make it and extra $1 you could have 3 times as much solar farms…
Its new Jersey everybody, who cares the entire state is a brown skid mark lol..
saying 500 million sounds like a bigger number