What are Solar Panels Made Of?

What are solar panels made of? How do they work? What magic lets us turn sunlight into usable electricity? We tackle all these questions in this look at how …

24 thoughts on “What are Solar Panels Made Of?”

  1. Johmathan .B. Swift

    So, if the price of silver is down, then the margins of solar companies
    should be better. 

  2. Commercial Solar Panels are Expensive.
    If you want to power your house cheaply
    Simply Go to *Google* and *Search* for:
    *Top DIY Solar Panels Research By John Sommer*
    Choose the first result.
    It has the plans and explanation there.

  3. Solar Companies Gold Coast

    Solar electricity systems can save you more money. Want to know more
    features about Solar Panels Companies? Contact us today for more details. 

  4. Raymond M. Obrien

    Commercial Solar Panels are Expensive
    If you want to power your house cheaply
    Simply Go to Google and Search for:
    *Top DIY Solar Panels Research*
    Choose the first result
    It has the plans and explanation there.

  5. I found out their just made out of water,these guy never gave answers worth
    shit too.

  6. Make solar panels that are connected to lasers that shot onto other solar
    panels,then you got more energy,but i wouldn’t know if the solar panels
    would melt from laser,somebody should try that out of they won’t,meby just
    bullet prof glass over the solar panels or something.

  7. If you want to power your home cheaply You have to learn to……. Build
    your own solar panels Go to Google and search for: “Top DIY Solar Panels
    Research” Choose the first result (skip the advertisement on top)

  8. FreedomSolarTX

    Find out the components and materials that go into making solar panels in
    this short video.

  9. amazing… the use of Solar energy… and a pc of silicon and silver…
    that small pcs.. can made big difference…

  10. Ingram's Water And Air

    This was a very informative video about all things solar. We just had a
    customer review one of the solar kits we sell. Check out our most recent
    videos for a link.

  11. Great video describing one of the many uses of silver in industry. Silver
    is a strategic element. Too bad the US has not protected the market,
    sending the jobs for solar panels, electronics, automobiles, and biological
    treatments overseas. The CFTC has the worst history of protecting banks
    that trade paper silver contracts that end up driving 100,000’s of jobs
    away from North America. Be aware that some of the new SP process use
    Cadmium, extremely poisonous and affects drinking water supplies.

  12. Very nice. Now how about a video on what Endeavor is doing to stop the
    increasingly blatant manipulation of silver prices that is robbing miners,
    investors and silver bullion holders of their rightful returns?

  13. So this gives a reason for the elitists to keep the silver prices low. They
    can push the green movement easier with their presidential candidate and
    make a profit selling it

  14. Very nice video, thank you. Can I add that building a solar panel using
    tabs, is not that difficult and can be done by those who are astute, can
    critical think, use a soldering iron, buy the kits and follow some step by
    step assembly instructions. (google build your own solar panels. The making
    of the cells, yes that’s harry potter science type magic. However, turning
    cells into panels, something we all should learn. We need them on all
    roofs, stop the oil & gas rape of this planet.

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