What are some websites that have Environmentally/"Green" Home plans?

Preferably 3,000-5,000 square feet, but whatever is easy.

2 thoughts on “What are some websites that have Environmentally/"Green" Home plans?”

  1. Brandsconstruction.com/WordPress

    There are great aspects to environmentally friendly home plans. While there are great aspects and good ideas from the "above color" site – this seems to be for the most part simply a clever method of applying good advertising techniques like you guys are doing here – which is fine with me.

    Choosing a home plan – however – consists of far more that trying to choose plans with the above "advertising" terms included., It Takes A Lot of Work and Study – to make Sure you choose the plans that are right for your needs.

    Looking at your future needs and any possible changes in a family is also important (Taking care of an elderly person, or adding new children to a family).

    A new kitchen is the center of a home and the room where the most time is spent. When choosing a home plan – choose a plan where the layout will allow you the style of plan that allows your perfect kitchen design. This can not be stressed enough – just because you are building this big new home does not leave room for changing the plan to allow any kitchen layout. Instead – choose a plan with the right new kitchen plan for your needs. The Home of New Kitchens 101: Free Kitchen Planning Design Lessons is a great place to view sample kitchen designs and pictures of kitchen layouts.

    Home Plans for Free has many new home plan layouts links that were originally designed by a federal program (HUD) to be energy effecient homes. Due to the extent of funds for the project this home plan portion of the program was abanded but some of the home plans are still around.

    I hope I will not be too long and boring here – If so – Just quite reading 🙂 … but a few things need to be said about choosing home custom home plans. One other quick note – the question stated 3,000 to 5,0000 square feet – and this itself according to the former HUD planning commission study – eliminated the home plans from being "energy efficent homes".

    Environmentally "color close to blue" DOES not mean – ENERGY EFFICIENT! A home plan usually needs to be under 2000 square feet – and closer to 1000 square feet along with other qualifing factors to meet their requirements.

    To shorten up my words – Choosing Custom Home Plans Page at http://www.homeplansforfree.com/index_files/page0039.html
    has more details on designing custom home plans.

    How To Choose Design Plans For Your Home
    A house often needs a few personal design touches applied by the homeowner to home plans be a home. If you choose to design every portion of your house in preparing custom house plans this is perhaps the best way to ensure your house is your home. With your contractor you can also tailor your house to suit your needs and reflect your individual personality.

    Are you new to house plans? Not sure how to draft the plans? Hiring an experienced contractor may be your key to success for your new home plans. If you feel confident in designing and drawing up your own home design plans, a professional ensures your progression is standardized and your results are according to standards.

    While going in for a new home plan design, there are many considerations. These considerations are essential to follow if you choose to design your own home plan. Deciding the budget before you start with the design plan is absolutely necessary and can be considered as a first step.

    Finding a home design contractor to help you with your new design process is also an important step. The process of designing begins with the details of designs and requirements you have in mind.

    If you are unsure about the designs, you can have a look at house and home books from your local library and also look on the Internet.

    Using Internet Explorer browser to view the site correctly –

    has a helpful article – How To Find My Plan which also is a great source for beginning the planning new envirementally friendly new home plans.

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