What colors work best with forrest green carpet and linoleum?

We are subletting a family member’s home and they have forrest green carpet and kitchen linoleum. They want them kept in the house, but told us that we could paint.
My problem is what color?
The house also has powder blue in the bathroom (as in linoleum, toilet, and bathtub). Other than feeling sorry for me, do you have any advice for decor and/or paint in this room as well?

4 thoughts on “What colors work best with forrest green carpet and linoleum?”

  1. For the forest green carpet – think about a nice harvest gold or gold shade – antique gold is nice on walls. Accent color could be bittersweet orange.

    Powder blue – go with antique white paint.

    If you like "earth" colors – you can always add pillows and accessories that have a little of the forest green/gold and rust or burnt orange in it.

  2. Pure white will go beautifully with the powder blue in the bathroom. Add powder blue accessories, some the same shade, some darker. Hmmm. Not sure about the forest green. Seems like natural wood accessories or wood color would go well.

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