What is solar energy?

“Photovoltaics in 60 seconds” – this is the motto of SMA’s new series of comic videos. The first clip explains how a solar power system works and what the di…

10 thoughts on “What is solar energy?”

  1. Vidra Ramdhony

    Cool you must Watching Sharing from Grahaenergy.
    Tinggalkan Energy Yang boros dan Selalu Naik Tarifnya Hahaha…

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  3. SMA Solar Technology

    “How Solar Power Works” was the first clip of SMA’s series of comic videos
    called “Photovoltaics in 60 seconds”. The clip explains how a solar power
    system works and what the differences between photovoltaics and
    solarthermics are.

  4. SMA Solar Technology

    Basically it’s a two hands move simple black and white illustration on a
    white background to visualize processes and products or explain important
    topics. This process usually includes the creation of the illustrations,
    recording of the voice overs, filming of clip, post production (with adobe
    after effects), music and sound design. I trust the above resolves your
    queries. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to
    ask again. Best regards, Gerrit.

  5. Mahmoud Megahed

    How this video or presentation is done? Actually pretty cool which software
    is used

  6. SMA Solar Technology

    First of all, thanks alot for the commendation. But unfortunately I’m not
    really sure what you mean by “UK version”?! Can you please elaborate or
    explain it a little bit more? Best regards, Gerrit.

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