what is the scientific significance of the 5 second rule to green living?

please give a detailed explanation.

4 thoughts on “what is the scientific significance of the 5 second rule to green living?”

  1. There is no scientific signifigance to the rule and green living. Studies show the rule doesn’t work, so it has no applications.

  2. In following the 5 second rule, you will still eat a piece of food which has touched the floor briefly. By still eating the food, it isn’t wasted. Green living and waste are not compatible.

    As for your detailed explanation, write your own essays.

  3. It takes roughly 7-10 seconds for germs to travel to a food that’s been dropped on the floor (or ground). Provided the surface is not super dirty or awfully filthy, then it’s still alright to pick up that food and eat it. Green living is all about the optimum use of resources – in the most environment-friendly way. Food wastage is not smart consumption of resources, therefore it is contrary to green living.

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