What steps can I take towards living a green life?

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks

6 thoughts on “What steps can I take towards living a green life?”

  1. There are many, But start with small…
    – Reduce electricity/water wastage.
    – Go for desert coolers instead of AC.
    – Go for solar water heaters instead of regular electric ones.
    – Use public transport/cycle/ or your legs.
    – Even go for solar phone chargers.
    – Grow plants/trees. Prefer the fast growing ones.
    – Go for rain water harvesting.

  2. I burn my garbage, old clothes, tires and plastics.. This keeps these things out of landfills and stuff

  3. There are probably thousands of ways to reduce your affect on the environment. Here are a few off the top of my head: Recycle (even old shoes & 100% polyester can be recycled). Buy organic, free range, locally grown food (support your local farmers!). Switch to toxin free makeup (cosmetics are not regulated by the gov so there are some really gross things in there, like lead & formaldehyde), body care (shampoo, deodorant, etc), and cleaning supplies. Buy items with sustainable packaging. Avoid driving your car or install a SVO converter. Shop at used clothing stores. Don’t buy GMO plants or seeds. Use CFLs and low flow faucet fixtures. Drink filtered water from a reusable bottle instead of buying plastic bottles. Install a wind turbine or solar panels. Buy products made from sustainable wood. Replace your old appliances with energy star appliances or at least only wash full loads in cold water. Turn off anything you’re not using. Install a chlorine shower filter (chlorine turns to chloroform when heated). Plant native species in your garden (they produce oxygen, use less water, & provide animals w/ shelter & food).

  4. First of all there is the old saying Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. The important thing to remember is to use this saying in this order.
    1) Reduce the amount of products you use. If you don’t need something and you don’t think you will even enjoy it for a long period of time, don’t buy it. Only buy as much food as you know you will eat.
    2) Reuse includes so much. You can reuse books and movies by seeing if they are available at the library or if a friend has one available for you to borrow (this also plays into Reduce as you won’t have to buy them). If you are okay with it, buy used clothing. Just make sure to wash it before wearing it (and when you wash only fill up the washer as much as needed and if you can try air drying). If you have a towel you are going to throw out, try cutting it up and using it as rags that you will throw out. Donate items that you don’t want anymore to places like Goodwill or Salvation Army. This includes clothes, kitchen products, irons, linens, etc. This is not only good for the environment but it is good for people. In terms of food, store leftovers and use them later in the week (this also plays into Reduce). An example is that when I make meatloaf I save it and use it to make amazing sloppy joe’s. At work most of our printers only print on one side of the sheet. So I asked if I could reuse the pages for personal use or for rough drafts of fliers and reports I am putting together. They were very supportive of it (having an employee ask if they can save money is a unique thing).
    3) Recycling plays so much with what I mentioned above. I recycle the paper after I use it twice. I recycle other items in my home such as cardboard. This is difficult for many as they have to drive to recycle, so ask neighbors/friends/family if they want to work together and maybe monthly have somebody take all of the recycling in. This will save in both time and gasoline.

    This is just the start too. Try to pick out a few things and see what works best for you. Don’t stress about instantly becoming 100% Green. Trust me, nobody is. Many of these can also make you feel good. The other topic I want to suggest is transportation. If the place you are going is less than a mile away, and the weather isn’t too bad, try walking. Good for environment, health and your wallet. This also goes with carpooling, cycling and taking the bus or train if they are available.

    Good luck!

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