What would make a Green-grouch-living-in-a-trash-can happy on his birthday?

will a new trash can do?
JH, it is =))

8 thoughts on “What would make a Green-grouch-living-in-a-trash-can happy on his birthday?”

  1. kahlan nynaeve®

    The moon.

    Happy Birthday, Knight. 🙂 By the way, how many moons have you lived through by now? He he he!

  2. Birthday greetings from friends (especially from the ladies), a ticket to a Broadway production and a new trash can.

  3. Pretty, young female green-grouch, wearing a two-piece bathing suit… inside her abaya. =)

    HB, kabayang Aref !!!

    Edit: Oh, i forgot. Yes, a trash can will suffice. A big one to fit them both in. nyehehe

  4. Fill his trash can up with trash!=P

    ***Aref’s birthday?!=D

    *******Pareng Aref! Happy Burrday!=D

  5. On his __th birthday, maybe it’s high time he leaves the cozy comfort of his trash can and move up to a roomier dumpster, where he could host his many friends to a round of beer and karaoke singing every night. Okay everyone chip in a buck or two, we’re buying Aref a big dumpster for his birthday.

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