Where can I find a solar energy air conditioner and stove that use less than 500 watts?

I want to find a stove and air conditioner that are energy efficient. The air condioner has to use solar energy and less than 500 watts. Can somebody send me the link of where i can find these products?

Also, can you turn on and off solat power lights?

1 thought on “Where can I find a solar energy air conditioner and stove that use less than 500 watts?”

  1. A friend of Bill W

    I don’t know if I can answer your question in the fashion you wish it to be answered. I don’t know of any specific manufacturer which makes either a solar powered A/C unit or stove. There are many smaller appliances that are solar powered or portable solar arrays to power small appliances.

    To give you an idea, a portable room A/C unit uses 1200 watt to start the unit and 1000 watts to run. With my simple mind, it would take at least 6 @ 200 watts panels or more (I’m do not have any solar power training, so consult a professional). If you are looking to go green for your home, look into purchasing a solar system. The price has been falling over the years and the technology has been improving. In addition, there are many grants and tax incentives to make it more affordable. Solar system are making more economic sense today.

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