Why is it if you don't wear some green clothing on St. Patrick's day you get pinched?

12 thoughts on “Why is it if you don't wear some green clothing on St. Patrick's day you get pinched?”

  1. Because it’s a tradition!!Duh,i mean with out traditions holiday would be very boring. I mean think about it, getting presents and putting up a tree at Christmas is a tradition. And so is making up new tradition. So if you don’t like that tradition make your own.

  2. old time tradition ………….better than being beaten , that was the predecessor ………

    cheers ………….

  3. Its an old Irish Tradition. So never forget to wear green on St. Partics Day. I HATE getting pinched. Remember to wear green!!!

  4. because the human race is full of fags that like to administer pain to thier own kind…its almost like cannibalism

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