Would you rather go to school naked or wear green clothing for the rest of your life?

25 thoughts on “Would you rather go to school naked or wear green clothing for the rest of your life?”

  1. I am from Chicago, so naked is not an option.

    I don’t like being that cold so I guess I dislike wearing green less.

    Green it is!

  2. Wear green clothing for the rest of my life. If you look on the good side, I wont worry anymore of Saint Patrick’s Day!!!

  3. i wud have go naked, wat do i have to lose with my hot body, im not afraid to show it off. but bbecause im not a slut like some. i wud wear green.

  4. either one. i can wear very stylist mixtures of green.

    or go naked just one day plus it depends on the age

  5. all ready went to school naked…it was strrange. people dident seem to notise till it started to grow if you know what i mean…this may have been a deam but it seemed real so i am really not sure if it happend or not

  6. wear green… Im one skinny person, and I get picked on enough wearing cloths. I dont want to think about what would happen if they saw me naked…

  7. Well that is a very interesting question lol. Um I think I would have to go with the green clothes though.

  8. naked naked naked ,i was forced to wear green when i was younger and hated it .green corduroy shorts with a green corduroy bomber jacket yuk.

  9. luckily, I am out of school and my favorite color is green. So, green clothing it is…….and that’s the naked truth.

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