Does anyone know what color green paint what shown in the home depot commercial?

Hey this is recent, sept.7, and latley when I’ve been watching tv i have seen this home depot commercial saying they are having sales on their paint, and this guy sticks his finger into this on tin of green paint and puts it on the top of the tin, and than these people paint a room in their house that color green. I love that color green, but i don’t know what the name of it is, so if you know, can you tell mee please, thank you:)

And be honest!

1 thought on “Does anyone know what color green paint what shown in the home depot commercial?”

  1. Hi Tori, I’ve seen that commercial and the color paint is very close to what I used for my master bedroom suite which is Camouflage by Benjamin Moore. This color is a soft gray-green and extemely popular right now. It is very neutral yet not boring like beige. Home Depot only carries Behr & Glidden, which are both inferior to Benjamin Moore in my opinion. I’ve been painting for over 10 years and highly recommend BenMor brand. It’s more $$ than the crap at Home Depot but will give you extremely better coverage and you wind up using less when you have excellent quality paint. Hope this helps.

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