(Going Green) How to make home made bleach alternative for laundry and laundry detergent?

I hate chemicals they make me sick so I want to use natural alternatives while helping the planet.

Thank you

5 thoughts on “(Going Green) How to make home made bleach alternative for laundry and laundry detergent?”

  1. I use a lot of white vinegar in the laundry. It whitens whites nearly as well as chlorine bleach with none of the side effects.

    Read labels, check a products website before purchasing. Check for their MDS on the web site and it will tell you what is in the product. Many products that say natural or green on the label are far from it.

  2. You can add a cup of lemon juice when you wash your whites. I also sometimes add a tablespoon of baking soda to a cup of vinegar and after the "volcano effect" subsides, add it to my washer when washing whites.

    "Seventh Generation" laundry products are eco-friendly, but since I don’t know where you live I can’t recommend a place for you to find them.

    You might also search for "bleach alternatives" on the Internet for more ideas.

  3. You can’t make homemade bleach unless you’re a scientist/chemist, & have your own laboratory. May I suggest that you search online for bleach alternatives to use to whiten your clothing? I used to use liquid Final Touch fabric softener, that contained an agent that whitened my clothing.

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