Green Day Jesus Of Suburbia [Live In London] Green Day Lugar “Milton Keynes National Superbowl” Milton Keynes,Inglaterra From The DVD “Bullet In A Bible” Venue “Milton Keynes National Superbowl” Milton Keynes,England Del DVD “Bullet In A Bible” 18/6/05 This song property of GREEN DAY and Reprise, Warner Brothers. This video is not being used to make money in any way and is for entertainment and leisure purposes only. This is and act of fair usage as described by the US, Coptright Office, therefore, a dispute shoul not occur over this video.
that isn´t in London boy….thats in milton keynes
Come down people. enjoy the song (:
@dutyorpoop58734 No, these: ” ” are speech marks, these: ‘ ‘ are quotation marks. Also, make sure you know what you’re talking about before you argue about it, makes you look stupid.
@clanghamacoustic I don’t give a fuck, and these are quotation marks, ” “, not ‘ ‘
@dutyorpoop58734 You’re retarded. I’m guessing you’re American if you called Milton Keynes ‘A huge mall’. Milton Keynes is a huge place like 50 miles away from London.
green day ROCKS
@GreenDookieDay i live in london you are a stupid twat, milton kenynes is 49 miles north of London. research something before you call someone a moron. Milton Kenynes a mall? we don’t call them fucking malls here, “Milton keynes is a large town in Buckinghamshire, in the south east of England, about 49 miles (79 km) north-west of London.”
@GreenDookieDay You’re both morons, this was filmed in Milton Keynes, but thats just like a huge mall, and stage, Milton Keynes is in London…
Milton Keynes to London 1hour 4mins — 53.21 miles lol. This be Milton Keynes my son 🙂
Punk’s answer to “The Wall”?
@wwefan3444 no it’s not this is milton keynes, i live in london. Bullet In a Bible was filmed at the national bowl in Milton Keynes.
@GreenDookieDay dude i was there believe me it’s london
so glad their still amazing live 😛
u say Justin Bieber I say Green Day
u say Bruno Mars I say Green Day
u say Lady Gaga I say Green Day
u say Miley Cyrus I say Green Day
u say T-Pain I say Green Day
u say Rebecca Black I say Green Day
u say Jonas Brother, I say Green Day
u say Flowers. I say Green Day
92% of teens have turned to pop and hip-hop.If u r part of the 8% that still listens to greenday copy and paste this message to 5 other green day videos. DONT LET GREENDAY DIE!
Green Day <3
this isn’t london you moron
thanx uploader
that has GOT to be one of he most BRILLIANT live performances of all time…. GR8 mother F N song but… the X-O-kyution is out-F-N-standing… love the GREEN!!! thank you 4 posting!!!!!!! AWSOME!!!!!!!!
1.12 epic face ;p
Fucking brilliant.
Creo que el Milton Keynes National Superbowl no esta en Londres :S Pero esta es la mejor version de Jesus of Suburbia 😀
pinche green day son los mas chingones!!!!! FUCK YEA!!!