Green Police Burn Ugandan Homes, Kill Children!: Paul Watson Reports 1/2

Armed Troops Burn Down Homes, Kill Children To Evict Ugandans In Name Of Global Warming (Neo-colonial land grabs carried out on behalf of World Bank-backed British company) Paul Joseph Watson (Subscribe to Infowars Nightly News Today!) Friday, September 23, 2011 Armed troops acting on behalf of a British carbon trading company backed by the World Bank burned houses to the ground and killed children to evict Ugandans from their homes in the name of seizing land to protect against “global warming,” a shocking illustration of how the climate change con is a barbarian form of neo-colonialism. The evictions were ordered by New Forests Company, an outfit that seizes land in Africa to grow trees then sells the “carbon credits” on to transnational corporations. The company is backed by the World Bank and HSBC. Its Board of Directors includes HSBC Managing Director Sajjad Sabur, as well as other former Goldman Sachs investment bankers. The company claims residents of Kicucula left in a “peaceful” and “voluntary” manner, and yet the people tell a story of terror and bloodshed. Villagers told of how armed “security forces” stormed their village and torched houses, burning an eight-year-child to death as they threatened to murder anyone who resisted while beating others. “We were in church,” recalled Jean-Marie Tushabe, 26, a father of two. “I heard bullets being shot into the air.” “Cars were coming with police,” Mr. Tushabe said, sitting among

25 thoughts on “Green Police Burn Ugandan Homes, Kill Children!: Paul Watson Reports 1/2”

  1. @mcap52

    Alex is not talking about real liberals.. he’s talking about the FAKE libs.. You know the george Soros funded ones?? The rachel Maddow, ED(the fat guy) loser and obama zombies and so on.

  2. @WoodlandRavah Errr… Zeitgeist isn’t a political movement… It’s showing ‘new’ possibilities
    and I also agree with them… And about Alex Jones he’s telling you the sad truth…

  3. That’s right Alex, keep insulting your audience and lying about “liberals being happy people getting murdered!”

    You’ll have your only red neck fanatic Christian audience! Because everyone else you keep insulting time and time again!

  4. @dundee520
    [“i’m none politiacal…”]
    Yet you propose the Zeitgeisters are the solution to society’s ills, how is that NOT political?
    [“…you can’t insult me with stupid words or symbols…”]
    Sure I can…. dumbass. \=/
    [“I thinks your into S/M”]
    LOL learning to embrace and transform suffering is different than seeking it out. So no.
    [“ye pal free to murder you “]
    Is that threat, sentence fragment, or just stating the obvious.
    Your enemy wont learn anything if they’re dead.

  5. @WoodlandRavah – i’m none politiacal – grow up rick you can’t insult me with stupid words or symbols – I thinks your into S/M and as far as free will , ye pal free to murder you

  6. @dundee520
    Whatever you f@#$in commie butt hurt emo b@#$%.
    As long as there’s free will there will be suffering. dealwithit.jpeg

  7. @WoodlandRavah hi rick- wisdom, meditate = insight = understanding= wisdom . theres plenty of ways to trancend depends on which path or if along you take . like this report the people of these wee villages chose too stay and where murdered because by moving they knew they would suffer , thats why i put it’s time to look at the venus project at least it gives some sensible alternatives

  8. @dundee520
    [“i 4 1 understand the causes of suffering but do you ??”]
    yep… grasping. But I would like to point out that you focus on the causes of suffering yet dont address the question of wisdom becoming a direct byproduct of one’s reflectional exposure to suffering.
    If you are Buddhist I would also like to point out your perception of the eight fold path is incomplete.
    Without suffering there is nothing to transcend, without transcendence there is no wisdom.

  9. @WoodlandRavah well i 4 1 understand the causes of suffering but do you ?? , and through meditateing, helps you put things in perspective which has nothing to do with yoga , and to say i live in a bubble you don’t know nothing about my lifes journey – have a nice day

  10. @dundee520
    [“…you don’t have too suffer to become wise…”]
    In a nut-shell, if we understand the causes of sufferings we can rectify it. Thus wisdom.
    [“…you just need to meditate…”]
    To reflect on what?.. Meditation in its proper intent is the reflection upon your mental formations physical state, ect… this isn’t yoga’s territory your casually strolling into.
    I’m not saying the grasping of suffering brings forth wisdom, exposure to it does.
    You live in quite the bubble.

  11. @WoodlandRavah you don’t have too suffer to become wise , you just need to meditate so as to become enlightened or drop a trip so you wake up



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  13. @WoodlandRavah (like zeitgeistism – i was under the impression that it is called the zeitgeist movment and that startted out by joininging with the ideas that the venus project have put foreward — suffering is not an eternal constant you either choose to suffer or you don’t

  14. @dundee520
    [“and any other ism you would like to mention are corrupt”]
    Like zeitgeistism, you are still an ism if that’s what you vilify, it’s how we as a species categorize things, completely destroy the corrupt with every fiber of your being until those that have betrayed our species wish they were never born, that’s my ism.
    [“it’s really about doing the correct thing so every one has a better life…”]
    Agreed, but you think a “better life” can be dictated, suffering is an eternal constant.

  15. If the UN is going to invade nations as the “green police”, they will most likely if not definitely do it to us here in the US where we will not except carbon taxes. Now with seeing this and the drills in Denver, it really has me wondering if that is what they might be planning for because you know Obama would allow it too. Seriously think about it. The UN rolls in and the police corral the people with them into FEMA camps passed off as relocation camps. It does make sense if you do.

  16. If the UN is going to invade nations as the “green police”, they will most likely if not definitely do it to us here in the US where we will not except carbon taxes. Now with seeing this and the drills in Denver, it really has me wondering if that is what they might be planning for because you know Obama would allow it too. Seriously think about it. The UN rolls in and the police corral the people with them into FEMA camps passed off as relocation camps. It does make sense if you do.

  17. This is beyond disgusting! And it is more disgusting how the NY Times titled their story knowing full well that people would most likely read just the title and go eh, whatever. You know those trees are going to be cleared cut to be sold too. Not only that, did they pay carbon tax on torching the little girl or all those home, nope. All of them fucking scumbags who deserve to be burned alive for this behavior!

  18. @gabielroy

    You’re being sarcastic right? Or are you pointing out a behavior that is wrong?

    Your statement is a tad confusing. 😐

  19. @CelticSouthland The war-mongering Right doesn’t have a problem with it either….. how many innocent people have been murdered since Bush invaded Afghanistan?

  20. @ANDREWOFPR2 i think you just prouve what i just say by this real easy not to care and bitch your tuffnest when im not in your face just like it easy to not care about black when ther in africa.
    it this notion that he’s not here that create the probleme of you acting tuff
    it the notion that ther not here that make the probleme of people not caring
    if ther here ding in front of you,you would feel sorry did you assume i was racism when you don’t know me……racism

  21. Seems to me, I remember when Obama went to Indonesia, he gave a bunch of our money to them and another country, maybe India or Pakistan, with this planting trees scenario. Could this be the same group?

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  23. @gabielroy To be honest i think thats just the wrong mentality to have in this day and age. Were all equal and we all should have the same human rights no matter what race you are or werever you come from. So just repeating that mentality that nobody cares about africa just drags us back to that mentality and we dont make any progress, its about time we all realise no species of human is better than another get over it

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