How can you trust the new “green” cleaning supplies for your home?

Where is the proof that they clean as well as Pinesol or Clorox. I am not really concerned except for the bathrooms. But I just don’t know how to believe them. I am so sensitive to the smells of the stronger cleaners that my throat hurts and I get headaches from the fumes. I would love to change but I need to know they really clean.

4 thoughts on “How can you trust the new “green” cleaning supplies for your home?”

  1. I use Sun & Earth All Purpose Cleaner for my bathroom. Like you, I had reactions to Lysol and Clorox. I didn’t really have a choice but to change or never clean again. However, I find that the Sun & Earth works just as well as other cleaners. It does have a smell of oranges, but the smell is from orange oil, not chemicals and doesn’t bother me. The company is actually owned by one of the Ben & Jerry’s founders.

  2. Ask them if they have a money back guarantee policy & for brochures etc that may have feedback from satisfied customers.

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