i wear primary dark colors like black, brown, dark green, and such. I was my clothes with cold/cold water and i use kirkland detergant (the water solid little sandy thingy) then after wards i put it in the drying in low and i put in this tissue like thingys that are called softner sheets or something and i set it to dry. so what do u think i can do differently that can help my clothes not fade color. is there some special product that i can buy?
vinegar? doesn’t that smell up the clothing?
if you don’t use dryers what the heck do u use? when i hang it outside it makes the clothing smell.
Use Woolite for darks.. I swear by it…..
I love Tide To Go sample. It really works for me. I mean, I can really be clumsy at times, and it helps remove sauce stain even on my white dress. I learned all about it from this site http://www.upkb.com/tidetogo.php
Use detergent for colored clothes or wash in cold water
use a little 2o muleteam borax in your wash, makes the colors stay really bright. Also deodorizes.
Use color safe soap. There are many so you can try a couple. drying clothes outside subjects them to sunlight that may also fade clothes.
Cold water with detergents designed for coloured clothes work best. Dryers tend to fade colours very quickly, turning clothes inside out before washing and drying may slow this down a little if you must use the dryer.
A Marine told me when I was going through the academy, put some vinegar in the first wash and every now and then after. He said that’s what they did to keep their BDU’s and such from fading. I tried it with a pair of my BDU’s, and I noticed ours didn’t fade as bad as the other people who didn’t do it. Also wash them in cold water, that seems to keep colors from fading as well.
use cold water- gentile wash
gentile detergent like woolite ect…
don’t use softener like downy
don’t over dry on high heat….
use the correct detergen and avoid bleach also use cold water and perm press to dry
try air drying your clothes and see what happens.
works for me 🙂
there is a detergent available for black cloths………..helps keep them from fading……………..Think tide makes it
I think Woolite advertises a product just for dark and black clothes to keep them darker longer. Look in store for it. Also, washing them less would help. some clothes, if you don’t sweat a lot or get dirty you can throw them in the dryer with the dryer cloth and re hang and wear. They didn’t used to wash clothes so much. I wear my dress clothes if they aren’t dirty more than once, I hang them and air them out. They last longer.