How expensive would it be to build a car that is powered strictly by solar energy?

and also by the energy generated by its wheels turning while moving. Of course I understand that it would have to be able to store the solar and kinectic energy to be used later on demand..

I know this is possible, but I would like to know how much you think it would cost, and the reason for that is to find out how far away we might be from having a production car like this.

3 thoughts on “How expensive would it be to build a car that is powered strictly by solar energy?”

  1. fule cells is the new deal, (cheaper, and workes better) any way, you’d be stuck when it rained! but a great idea!

  2. chemicalimbalance001

    Even if you completely coated the car with solar panels, you would have to leave the car in direct sunlight for several days just to drive for an hour.

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