I just moved into a home with a swimming pool, It is so green, what can I do to make it nice and blue.?

Just moved into a home with a swimming pool, The water, and pool are very green, and full of frogs, what can I do to clean it up. I have never had a pool before. I need help? What is it that I need to buy to fix this problem.

13 thoughts on “I just moved into a home with a swimming pool, It is so green, what can I do to make it nice and blue.?”

  1. Lol, Windancerhil and I are on the same page on this, I’m a pool pro as well. Two approaches here:
    Taking a water sample in to your local pro, explaining what type of filtration and sanitizing equipment you have. Also let them know if it’s a concrete pool or vinyl as that will help them determine your course of action. Treatment can vary according to the information you give them so try to be as accurate as you can. It might sound silly, but also mention if you are on a well or city water and if it’s a well, take a sample from an outside tap, not your kitchen sink, as they will be different due to your house’s water softner. They can then, at the same time, suggest what you will need during the pool season.
    The keys to having sparkling pool water , when you get rid of the algae and debris ( there will be things on the bottom right now, around the main drain in particular that will surprise you) is keeping your water chemistry balanced (check Ph, Cl ( or bromine), and total Alkalinity), salinity if a salt pool, on a weekly basis. Vac the pool at least weekly and perform pump strainer and filter maintenance weekly.
    Another avenue is to have a service company come in for the first month or so to get you going.This is actually, even though it may sound expensive, isn’t and you will get your pool ship shape faster. They will be able to determine if it’s more cost effective to start from scratch like a drain and wash and if that’s even an option for your pool. Some you can’t without running far too many risks (vinyl pools for example and some concrete pools in high water tables). Also, from my experience, almost every pool in a home that was put up for sale has been neglected for the last season. The previous home owners don’t tend to spend any money on them period. There may be other issues regarding equipment, or for that matter the pool itself, that a pro can spot and tell you if it’s worth repairing or replacing. No point in spending all that money in chemicals if the pool is in such bad shape structurally or in the case of a vinyl pool the liner being so rotten, that you’ll need to dump the pool in the next 6 months to repair. Another advantage of having the pro come in, is to arrange the visits for a Saturday and either get lessons from the guy or at least watch him and learn. Word of caution here. Any customer of mine that got under my feet doing this, went for a swim, so feel free to ask him questions, just stay out of his path.

  2. go to your local pool supply store with a sample of your water. They will help you to put the proper amounts of chemicals in the pool. Before you do that have someone come look at the pool so you don’t waste you money on chemicals.

  3. Vacuum and skim out all debree ….shock it! muric acid, sulfide. ……….But please take the frogs out before shocking and adding other chemicals to pool. Good Luck

  4. johncharlesrealty

    For starters, I’d throw a couple jugs of 99 cent bleach in it… Then shock the hell out of it… Its all about using the proper amount of Chlorine… Whatever you do’t drain the pool. You can correct it without draining

  5. Best to drain it, scrub it and then remove the crap on the walls. You have too much gunk in there and they won’t care about he chemicals at this point. Talk to your pool supply store for free and expert advise. I had the same problem at my apartments (but not nearly to your extent) and that’s what the pool expert told me to do. We tried fighting it before that suggestion and failed. Draining and cleaning it out solved the problem. You might need to spray a chemical on the walls after it’s all cleaned up, . But when the inside drys up from the sunlight and the lack of water will kill the stuff I suspect. Don’t let a pool sit empty too long as the pool might rise out of the ground and you will never get it back down. Again, do talk to your pool supply store for free and expert advise. Good luck with your frog farm. Oh, you might want to net the frogs and dump them far away so they don’t come back to ‘home’.

    Hmmm, I was wondering, did you buy the home? I wonder if having the pool clean would be a Section 1 item or required to be in proper shape?

  6. I see you’ve gotten dsome answers already..I am sure we’ll tell you SHOCK,SHOCK,SHOCK and increase the ph level.. Please from one former (inground olympic size) pool owner what ever you do don’t have a pool store sample test the water!!! Goossshhh it will cost you aarm and leg

  7. Take a sample of the water to a pool store and they will test it to tell you what chemicals you need to add to clear it up. A pool is a lot of work and upkeep and money – so be prepared and learn all you can so you won’t have to rely on others. Also check into pool companies to clean your pool – if it’s not too much monthly they provide all the chemicals, do the water testing for you and clean your pool!!

  8. Simple. Test the water and adjust accordingly. First adjust Total Alkalinity. Then pH. Then "nuke" it with cranular chlorine. Keep the pump running and the filter cleaned/backwashed. Dead algae will clog the filter quickly, so this is going to be a full time job in itself! Continue to shock and filter until the water clears enough to see the bottom. In the mean time dip out the frogs and other floating debris. When you can see well enough vacuum the bottom. Keep in mind the pool didn’t get in that condition overnight. It is going to take time to bring it back around. Keep the pH and Total Alkalinity adjusted, as well. Good luck.

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