I know that solar energy is the future, but i also know that there are 200 years of coal reserves in America. Is global warming really a problem due to CO2 emissions, or is ethanol the energy solution for the future?
I know that solar energy is the future, but i also know that there are 200 years of coal reserves in America. Is global warming really a problem due to CO2 emissions, or is ethanol the energy solution for the future?
Hello, I am convinced that if it is the total future, it is great part of the, the eolic energy it is another very important factor, besides other….
Recently I read this I articulate, maybe you of an idea of the great variety of possibilities.
This articulates it is of uan company that is devoted to this technology, God willing it serves you.
Constru-Quality HA®
The sport is important for millions of people from all over the world. In each country and in each level we are organized in clubs and competitions. The competition sometimes rewards, and then the recompense can be astronomical, but more often we play for the pure amusement of trying to beat our opponents.
In Malt, they love their sports like in any place, and they have a stadium in Ta’Qali in Valetta. They call him the Stadium National and many sportsmen they use it although it works under the help of the Association of Soccer of Malt.
The Maltese took place the Millennium building a tribune for the National Stadium, with that that Ta’Qali now can harbor 17.000 spectators. The Tribune of the Millennium covers an useful surface of approximately 5.000 m2.
Recently, the magic French soccer Selection played in the stadium, but the complex supplies to more professional sport with highly paid. It was critical for the association of Soccer of Malt that the stadium you doesn’t use for one or two parties a week, but the whole community uses it as often as it is possible. One can swim there, to play to the squash or even to practice shot with small weapons. If you are willing, you can use one of the enclosures of artistic gymnastics. There are facilities of supply with those that you can enjoy food and maybe a bottle of wine.
When the new tribune was designed, it was considered important to speak of environmental questions incorporating sustentation to the project. They chose our German company, ThermoSolar, to provide plane solar panels for hot water including the stocking olympic pool. German engineers installed around 70 plane panels, obtaining a total absorbent area of more than 120 m2. The engineers carried out the finalization and they gave the work in December, I joust later they completed the formation of installers Genersys like project in the London municipality of Haringey.
The generated energy is substantial, saving fossil fuel and emissions of carbon. We are very proud that our products are associate, only in a small way, with this project; people of Malt and the Association of Soccer of Malt are truly proud of their new built tribune based on environmental foundations.
Up to where I know, there are not plans to install badges thermal lots in any British important sport stadium as the new Wembley, the one proposed new stadium of the Arsenal or even Old Trafford.
However I am sure that all the sportsmen that use these stadiums use skillful of hot water. I ignore the existence of solar facilities in any stadium of another country.
I would like to hear our own commitment with the medioambiente to be as big as in the tiny Malt. The solar energy can make an important and significant contribution, and maybe in environmental terms, it is not too much to request that the energy efficiency and the saving of carbon was obligatory in all the new projects. After everything, if the community gave permission to develop and the admitted development caused environmental damages, the community should insist that the damage was not only minimized short term, but in the successive years.
I hope that solar and wind energy both become very popular
Ethanol more than Solar
Solar is too bulky and dependent
Ethanol gums up current engines ( need more work )
Global warming is BS
Unfortunately there isn’t one solution.
As demand for power and fuel grows steadily in the coming decades, we must consider every viable energy source at hand if we’re to meet the worlds needs. And because clean natural gas is found in abundance there is little doubt that it will play a major roll on the world energy stage in this century, much like oil did in the last. But, like oil, gas reserves are concentrated in just a few places in the world usually far from where they’re needed most. And that’s only part of the challenge. The world has had well over 100 years to search for oil and to build the necessary infrastructure to bring it to market; the natural gas infrastructure, particularly when it comes to liquefied natural gas (LNG), is not nearly as developed. So what needs to be done? On the supply side, producing nations need policies that allow for efficient development of their natural gas in an open, stable business environment, not one in which the rules of the game change without warning. The governments of consuming nations, on the other hand, must enact long-term policies to encourage such development and to ensure they’ll have adequate supplies in the future. That means building the related infrastructure, including LNG terminals. This, in turn, will require coastal communities to allow these necessary, but not necessarily pretty, facilities to be built in their backyards. And energy companies have a responsibility to be good neighbors in those communities by operating these facilities responsibly and safely. They must also continue to invest the billions of dollars needed to build the complex transport and storage infrastructure required to bring more gas to market. Expanding and diversifying energy sources by using more natural gas could lead to lower fuel prices and to greater energy security.
Hope so
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2) Yes
3) Yes