Is there a way to make car paint that collects solar and wind energy to power an electric car?

If the paint could collect solar energy to charge a battery, and then once the car starts moving, other fibers in the paint could convert the wind passing over the car to electrical energy, wouldn’t this be a way to decrease our dependency on fossil fuels. Is there any technology out there that can do such a thing?

5 thoughts on “Is there a way to make car paint that collects solar and wind energy to power an electric car?”

  1. Actually the solar paint idea is already in the research stage and should be commercially available withing a few years. There is a post about it here:

    Now of course the electricity generated from the surface of a car will not run a typical car sustainably, but hey it will increase the gas mileage of a plugin hybrid and lessen the drain on the electrical grid at night.

    As far as the idea regarding the fibers on the car generating electricity from the wind. This violates Newtons laws of thermodynamics and basically the drag introduced by the fibers would compensate for any electricity generated from the wind. The drag and electricity generated are directly proportional, so you would not gain anything, you would just loose money for the installation and create shadows which would lessen the effect of the solar paint.

  2. There’s nothing like that today. I’m more optimistic about the solar idea, because the wind idea seems to violate some basic laws of thermodynamics. There is a maximum percentage of the wind’s energy that a turbine can capture, and that’s nowhere near 100%. So trying to harest the energy of wind rushing by a passing car would slow the car down more than the energy one could retrieve.

    Solar paint exists, but is too inefficient today to be of practical use. Development continues. If someone is able to make a cheap solar paint, it will benefit not only cars, but everything. You could paint it on the umbrellas over restaurant tables. On tents. On every rooftop.

    The energy from solar would not carry today’s heavy cars very far. Prototype electric cars targeted at solar tend to be very light, and get 2-5 miles per kWh. That’s 10-15 miles on a day’s charge, usable in some situations. The solar would not supply enough to continuously drive the car, unfortunately.

  3. No. Air drag is one of the chief components in auto efficiency. What you describe would increase air drag.
    As far as the solar part goes most cars have about 12 square feet of surface in the sun when the car is in the sun. 12 square feet can produce 900 watts. In four hours that would be 2700 Watt hours. A gallon of gasoline is about 37,000 Watt hours. What means is is that it is going to take over 100 days to produce the energy of one gallon of gasoline and everything has to be perfect.

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