Need help decorating living room w/ green carpet and yellow walls!?

Our new home living room has yellow walls w/hunter green carpet. It doesn’t look bad, but we have black leather couches we plan on keeping. We won’t be tearing out carpet or painting any time soon. How should we decorate to make sure the colors tie in?

8 thoughts on “Need help decorating living room w/ green carpet and yellow walls!?”

  1. Green black and yellow is not a bad combo to start with. Try using cushions/pillows/throws in plain shades of green and yellow and/or prints with these 2 colors.Area mats wud work well too. Pics with green frames and yellow flowrs wud do well too. Use a combo of sap green color and a creamy yellow if walls r dark but if they are light, sunny yellow wud brighten up the black & h/green. Yellow is a cheerful color for a living room. Play around with it.

  2. A lighter shade of green and an off white would work well. If you are brave you can try a pale misty blue also but that may be a harder shade to get just right.
    Your black couch will not be an issue. Just use toss pillows and area rugs with the lighter shade of green. Accent with patterns as long as they share the same colors as I mentioned.
    I would also keep the drapes light in color and include the lighter colors mentioned into the throw pillows. A small amount of a rusty cranberry accent might be nice too. That is a hard color to explain. It is almost a bronze but not exactly. Just stay away from red reds. Only good at Christmas and with your colors I would go with a cranberry red for that too.

  3. Are the walls really yellow?

    I guess with that combination of colors, my first thought is the black leather is fine. But if you are putting up curtains or drapes, I’d make sure that they contained the colors in the room. (the yellow, green and black) Tie the room together with accents on the wall with prints that include those colors also.
    What are you using for metal in the room? Brass, Chrome, Copper, Gold, Bronze?

    I wouldn’t use the brass or gold or bronze, it would bring out the yellow.

    I think the first thing I’d do is paint the room in a different color than yellow.

  4. Slipcover the couches? That’s a tough color scheme with black leather couches. I would paint – burgundy. Or hang lots of stuff on the walls to offset the yellow.

  5. Try finding some fabric that contains the colors of the floor, walls and couch and make some simple pillow slips to put on decorative pillows. You could also look for area rugs with those colors. Wall art could also tie those colors together, if you are going to use curtains you have that to work with as well.

  6. dark woods for the furniture will tie in an earthy feeling. keep it clean and modern to avoid looking like an old house from the 70s.

  7. I’d look for fabric in yellow and black prints and patterns for curtains and pillows. You can use plants to pick up the green in the carpet.

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