Pretty Green – Liam Gallagher visits Copenhagen Fashion Show

This month Liam and the team flew out to the Copenhagen fashion fair trade show. The Copenhagen International Fashion Fair is currently Europe’s number one trade show. The show has grown with extremity over the decades and is bigger than ever in all aspects: visitors, space and collections. Liam is wearing the Black Denim Western Jacket, available now at ..

23 thoughts on “Pretty Green – Liam Gallagher visits Copenhagen Fashion Show”

  1. comeonfuckingcunt

    Fuck! I live two minutes from Forum! Why the fuck did I not know anything about Liam coming to town!??

  2. whatalifeitwouldbe1

    @ArcherV hahaha no problem, im argentinian. lucky you! where did you meet him? noooooo i want liam with short hair, now it looks like johnny deep in charlie and the chocolate facotry 🙁

  3. @whatalifeitwouldbe1 I’ve met him yesterday in London and believe me now his hair are even worst XD (sorry for my english)

  4. Barcaisthebest19951

    I hope he will get a new haircut soon. Like the one he had in 2008 at the Wembley Arena! This one just doesn’t fit him!

  5. I really hope Pretty Green kicks on and becomes a global success. Liam deserves it for having the balls to pursue it.
    Also, people need to start wearing some decent clobber again.

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