Revolutionary Solar Energy Conversion Process Developed

A new process that simultaneously combines the light and heat of solar radiation to generate electricity could offer more than double the efficiency of existing solar cell technology, say the Stanford engineers who discovered it and proved that it works. The process, called “photon enhanced thermionic emission,” or PETE, could reduce the costs of solar energy production enough for it to compete with oil as an energy source. Stanford University: Stanford News: Stanford University Channel on YouTube:

21 thoughts on “Revolutionary Solar Energy Conversion Process Developed”

  1. urgencyharviefcem

    Free energy has been here all along ,But the powerfull Oil business won’t alow common ppl to know this,Check this free energy magnet motor at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM ,Big change is comming soon!

  2. The Oil companies are trying their best to stop free energy ideas from spreading to common people.
    We need to put an end to this corruption ,start generating your own electricity now.
    Look for the LT MAGNET MOTOR in youtube video search. Join the Revolution!!

  3. What about the 35 kv sterling engine in the uk. Installed at the university in 2008..
    I have found nothing on Youtube to cover this….

    anyway they are using gas..selling excess back to the grid….cha ching…

  4. Catcherintherye11111

    i clicked on the “education” category and writing my thoughts FU’CK EDUCATION! WELFARE ALL DAY BABY BAY BAY!

  5. I believe strongly in green energy, i just hope our governments start putting money into these renewabel resources. Admittedly, there are short commings to these forms of energy; however, i believe that a combonation of renewable energy sources would fill those gaps and lapses in power creation. Take photovoltaic powercells, if you were to combine these with windpower, you’d be golden. Other forms of solar energy actually use mirrors to heat salts that stay molten throughout the night.

  6. @MindgamesNZ In the article it said they coated a piece of semiconducting material with a thin layer of cesium, which allowed the cell to use both light and heat to generate electricity. So when he said the heat can be used to create electricity afterward, I was trying to figure out how they separate the two. He just said this new technology lets the “cell” use both light and heat together to generate electricity. But now I see something about a heat-conversion process. Whatever that is.

  7. @HemiHead66 Normal photovoltic cells lose efficiency as they heat up. So PV arrays have to keep temperatures down. Only a small fraction of the solar energy falling on the array is converted into electricity, the rest is waste heat which has to be removed. This waste heat is not hot enough to be used to make more power. This device works best at very high temperatures. The waste heat is hot enough to vaporise a liquid which can be used to spin a turbo-alternator increasing electricity output.

  8. What does he mean by “have high temperatures do useful work in the form of thermal processing afterwards”? What I’m getting at is, I thought one of the main problems with solar was being able to store power for when the sun goes down. I think he’s just talknig about the added efficiency when the sun is shining.

  9. Thank fuck for nuclear and advances in “alternate” energies! All the doom and gloom over our carbon footprint is getting fucking scary.

  10. Hi stanford university, im an student from the other country and i see this news very important for the other community, so if you can put some caption in other language or languages would help the other people , thanks so much for read this!!!

  11. please make this very famous and export it to all countrys dont let you stop from the oil industry sun energy ftw

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