small residential solar power system

short video describing a small solar power system that i set up at my house. it consists of twelve 1 amp solar panels (15 watts each for a total of 180 watts of power – per hour). i use it to run all lights (CFL’s), fans, tv’s, and stereos in the house. also the microwave, coffee maker, blender, can opener, sandwich grill, toaster, vacuum, computer and anything else i can think of. run time for lights/fans only is approx 8 hours. add in vacuuming, microwaving or toaster along with lights, tv and the fans and the run time is reduced to 4-5 hours a day. i bought solar panels, inverter (1000 watt) and killowatt meter at Harbor Freight tools, the batteries (deep cycle) from walmart and the battery cables from checker auto. total cost was about 00 to 00 For the latest including EXTRA PICS and INFO. – Click on the (picassa photo gallery) “WEBSITE LINK” from my youtube channel page.

25 thoughts on “small residential solar power system”

  1. Guys, making your own home energy doesn’t have to be hard (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Search a alternative home energy called Xobotano Home Energy (search on google). Seriously, Xobotano Home Energy has save large sums of my money. I probably should not even be mentioning it because I do not want a bunch of other folks out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am just in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.

  2. I have a 5 watt solar panel and a 12 volt car battery…what sort of charge controller do I need, what kind of inverter?? can I also use a golf cart battery?

  3. It seems the poster is totally into technology and solar panels. To help the audience and viers, it would help to know the list of items he needed like panels, converters, batteries, etc, etc,

  4. Running that much stuff off those batteries, with only a small solar system will be really hammering them.

  5. In the UK we’re able to sell any power produced by PV’s back to the grid and don’t have to store any energy, that way you can benefit from the maximum returns from your PV’s during the day when you’re at work and still run your gear off mains supply at night. Are you able to do something similar?

  6. Hello! Thank you for this useful video. By the way, I notice lots of people keep on talking about Xobotano Home Energy (search on google), but I’m not sure if it is good. Have you thought about this alternative home energy known as Xobotano Home Energy? I have heard several amazing things about it.

  7. sir with a 45 watt system and a 115 ah battery how long would it take to fully charge the battery

  8. Let me add that a 295w mono panel running 36v would be even more ideal. Truth is you will never get 295w out of it even pointed directly at the sun. Best you could hope for on a cloudless day is around 247 watts. The SS-MPPT-15L is only rated for 200w input, but it will rarely see the northside of 200w cause the world isn’t perfect. Better to have a little more panel than a little too few. A 295w mono will run you around $500 shipped, but well worth it.

    I’m planning going this route.

  9. Actually he could have done better by getting a true deep cycle battery. A 12v 255ah scrubber battery would have been a good investment at $300 from a auto parts store (tax & core included). Then bought a single mono panel rated at 250w @ 36v for somewhere around $450 with tax & shipping. Then a true MPPT charge controller like the Morningstar SS-MPPT-15L for $200 shipped if you know where to look. Then another $50 for wiring and stuff. So for $1000 you have a professional grade setup 🙂

  10. 80 dollar for 115amp battery?? that’s really cheap. what kind of battery is that?

  11. thanks. all depends on how much power the tv and lamps take. i’d recommend two 3 panel sets and 2 batteries to make sure you have enough power to run everything for several hours

  12. nice system, i want to run a tv and 4 lamps with a solar system overnight any idea how many panels i will need?? thanks

  13. Hey bro could you send me a private message with a list of everything i need for this set up ill greatly appreciate it.

  14. Why you didn’t use monocrystalline solar panels that’s better than amorphous solar panels you have there and you need 3000 watt inverter to use Air Conditioner and refrigerator. Wal-mart also sells bigger battery type 29 marine deep cycle cost about $81.00 each, the batteries you have there is type 27 you need bigger batteries.

  15. put the panels into a basement or attic and the panels on the roof and electrical from a panel to the main to power some things

  16. thing is i have a computer service, i rent computers. and im thinking about going solar, can you tell me how much money you spend? on battery and 3 panels?

  17. probably 10 hours if that is all that i was running. mine uses only 59 watts an hour. if you have a small computer or laptop you could set up a 3 panel set with 1 battery and probably run it for 2-3 hours a day. maybe more. just depends on power much power the computer uses.

  18. Thanks. not usually. i usually run the system down at night and then it takes most of the day to charge it back up. the 12 panels match up pretty good with the 4 batteries.

  19. Thanks. I’d say probably just a couple of hours. 500 watts continuous is a lot to draw off of a 420ah battery system. are you sure the tv takes that much power? my tv is rated 150 watts but it really only draws 60-90 watts.

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