Tom Green – Day Of Justice (Tom Throws Glens Clothes From A Plane)

Glen attempts to get revenge on Tom by burning his sound system, however Tom has other plans..

5 thoughts on “Tom Green – Day Of Justice (Tom Throws Glens Clothes From A Plane)”

  1. AveNullusMajestic

    This clip seems to be very rare, I’ve been looking for it for quite some time now, but maybe not hard enough, thanks for posting it! lol

    BTW guys, “if” the video freezes at around 0:37 seconds, just set the screen back to the smallest (original) format.

  2. PrivateSnowballTFC

    You can’t get revenge on a prankster, let alone, one of Tom Green’s caliber.

  3. you fucking rule for posting this man!
    This was one of my favourite bits from back in the day

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